Many Memories

36 2 1

Chris pov

I watched as she watched the video. I remeber earlier we were just staring at each other. And I know she saw me. Yet, she didn't scream.

She read my notes and was now watching the video of my past. I don't know why I trust her. But she's not afraid. And I have no clue how she even saw me. No one can ever see me.

She was now watching the part of the clip where I said goodbye to my home. I remember this.


I got the camera ready. "So for anyone who sees this I'm Chris. But I'll be dead by then. I just wanted to say goodbye to my home. My parents are dead along with my older brother and sister. And I just can't be alone. I was 16 when they died. But now I'm 18. And if I can make my own choice so be it." I said walking up to the attic. "This was my old room." I then walked to the kitchen. "This was where I would watch my mother and sister cook." I explained again. Now walking to the family room. "This is where we spent family time together." I said walking outside. "This is where my brother and I would fight and play." I then walked to the basement where I had rope hanging from the ceiling. "And this is where I will die so whoever finds this now you know."

Flashback over

The video was now over and she was sitting there in tears. "Ch-chris?" She mumbled. Damn, I love the way my name sounded from her.

"Suicide?" She mumbled. "Bedroom?" She said again trying to take it all in.

She has tears falling from her eyes. Without thinking I walked over to her. She turned around and her eyes went huge. I didn't know how she could see me.

But I got down on my knees. She didn't move but her eyes followed me. I wiped the tears from her eyes. I was about to move my hand when she held on to it.

She looked me in the eye and smiled. So I returned the favor by smiling back. She looked like she wanted to say something. But before she had the chance I decided to disappear. Kind of a shitty move. But she will see me again. Plus I need to process what just happened.

The talk

Her dad finally came home and she wouldn't stop smiling. Which made me smile. Because I think it was me who made her smile.

"Hey dad!" She gushed hugging him. "Hey there someone is in a good mood." He said. Uh oh what would she say. "Oh yeah well I read a really good book." She lied. She was good.

After they were done talking and eating dinner she went outside.

In the woods

She started to walk through the trees until she came to a clearing. To be serious it was my favorite spot ever.

"Shouldn't be out here alone." I told her. She gasped and turned around. "This this is not real." She stuttered.

"Your right it's all just a dream." I said with heavy sarcasm. She just gave me the fuck you look. "Let me ask you this do you normally dream of hot guys that are dead?" I asked her.

"N-no-." She said. "Well then I'm Chris dear." I said extending my hand to her. She hesitated before also grabbing my hand. "I'm Emily." She said. "I know." I said kissing her hand like a gentleman. Before disappearing.

I didn't mean to be so cocky. But it just slipped out. She didn't seem to mind.

She started heading back but I stopped her. "stop doing that God damn." She whined. "Sorry for being an ass." I said before disappearing.

"Your forgiven." She mumbled. Before heading back. But then I stopped her again. This time I didn't say anything. I just smiled and walked with her. She didn't say anything.

But she stopped and stared at me for the longest time. Which I also stared back at her.

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