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Chris pov

I didn't mean to kill Steven. But when I saw the love of my life get close to someone else I got jealous. But yet I told her to move on. Wow I'm suck a dooche. Anyway after she finished yelling to my tombstone I'll admit it hurt just a bit. But I still loved her. The break uo hurt me more than you could tell. As much as I wanted to I couldn't worry about Emily at the moment. It had been two months later from when I killed Steven. Yet, I still had no clue what was going on with me. He could see me, there was life back in my eyes. I was alone in the woods. But it got boring plus it filled me with memories of my past with Emily. I never think that in death I'd fall in love. But I also never thought that she'd be the reason I come back to life. I decided to take a walk in the park. Just to clear my head. I was still walking and I saw a little girl, she had ice cream but from the looks of it it fell from the cone. I walked over to her not really expecting anything. But she looked me right in the eye. "C-can you see me?" I asked her. She just nodded her head. "What's going on here?" A middle aged women that I took to be her mother asked. But she wasn't asking her child She was asking me. I tried to disappear but it didn't work. "hello?" She asked me waving her hands in my face. This instantly made me think of Emily. "Hi so-sorry I have to go." I said I before running away. How could she see me? And why didn't I disappear? Then it all came into place. I've said before that Emily makes me feel alive maybe that's what happened. I wanted to think that I was given a second chance. I mean it all did start after I saw my sister. Maybe my family did something. I didn't know, in fact at that moment the only thing I knew was that I needed to go see Emily. I knew she wouldn't forgive me for killing Steven. But come on all he wanted was sex. I got to the house rather quickly and out of breath. I smiled at this because it hasn't happened in a long time. I didn't know how I was gonna get into the house. Then I remembered she keeps a spare key under the door mat. I used it and got in. I snuck through the house only to find Emily in the kitchen with a knife. By the looks of it she had a suicide mission. Well I couldn't let her do that. "EMILY WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled she dropped the knife and turned around in tears. "C-chris?" She asked. "Yes baby it's me, I'm alive, I don't know how but I'm back." I said looking at her. She didn't say anything just ran up to me and kissed me. I kisses back. It had so much want and passion that I didn't wanna let her go. But we did and let's just say from that day forward we we're too for s very long time. We got marries and had a handsome baby boy. Who we named Steven. But it wasn't over there. We lived our life and now our time is up. Emily and I are still together even in death, we even watch over our now grown boy. And better he now has a family. Right in the house where I met Emily, where we started our family and where we died rather peacefully together because of old age. Just goes to show that some times death doesn't have to do you part.

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