She Makes Me Feel Alive

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Chris (ghost) pov

Yes, Ok I'm dead. I'm a ghost. I happen to haunt this house. I have dyed black hair and blue eyes. I died at 18.

But that was four years ago.

I usually hate watching humans move into my old house. Where my life once was. I usually chase them out.

But there was something about this girl.

She had soft black hair. Bright green eyes. I watched as she looked up at her new home.

I was watching her from the attic Windows. The attic was my room. Until I died. I couldn't help but smile as she walked in.

I smelled her scent and held back a moan. She smelled like roses and evergreens. My new favourite scent.

She looked about 17.

I noticed how she shivered once she walked through the house door. Damn, oh how I wanted to warm her.

Following her

I watched as she walked through the house. She was so beautiful. Yet so broken. How could someone with such a kind heart be so hurt.

She finally gave up and headed towards the attic. I wanted to stop her. But instead I watched from a distance. She seem satisfied when she walked into the attic.

She walked around slowly. I decided she could have the room. It would be easier to see her.

Alone time

She was called down to dinner. I may be dead but I'm no stalker. So I let them have their family time. I noticed that there was only her and her dad. Maybe that's why she is so broken.

I started looking around the room. Boxes and boxes. Full of punk rock t shirts, posters. And some other stuff.

We would get along just fine. I decided to be helpful. But I also knew it would freak the fuck out of her.

I put her posters up. And put her room up in a way I hope she would like.

I really didn't want to scare her.


I Walked down the attic stairs to where they were cleaning up. She finally left the kitchen and got up. She went up the stairs. And I waited and let ladies go first.

Being the dumbass I am i creaked the step. She definitely noticed this. She turned around before darting to her room.

Oh fuck...

Back at attic

She walked up. Thank God I didn't miss her reaction. She looked up. I couldn't tell if she were scared or amazed. She looked around in awe.

I think she liked it? But then she ran back down stairs.


"Hey dad?" She asked in a sweet voice. " Yeah?" He asked. "Did you or the packers unpack my room?" She asked. I could hear her heart meet going a mile a minute.

"No why?" He asked. "No reason." She said. I saw her face go white with fear. But when she got back up to the attic she smiled.

"Damn this is way better than what I could've done, they even got the mcr c.ds right." She said fist pumping.

I couldn't help but smile at this. Yes I know my stuff.

Then instantly snapped her eyes to the closet right where I was standing. At first I thought she was looking at me. But when she walked right past me and to a bag of candy I did a fist pump.

"I forgot about you." She mumbled opening it. "hmm a sugar rush or cocanie?" She asked as I laughed.

I think she heard it because for a slight second she was looking me in the eyes. (Without knowing it of course).

She then looked away as her eyes lit up when she looked at the bag.

10 mins later

She had picked out a song by mcr called teenagers. I happened to love this song. I sorta Hummed along. But she was already dancing around and singing at the top of her lungs.

I kept laughing. She was so cute. But the cuteness stopped when she stopped and grabbed clothes. I'm guessing to take a shower.

No, I didn't follow her.

But I did run out when I heard a loud crash. I saw her on the ground laughing her ass off.

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