one day had passed

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Emily pov

One day. One fucking day had had passed since Chris left me. I could handle it. I was breaking down. But yet I told myself not to cry. My train of thought was just nothing... it was just blank. I actually understood why he left me. He wanted to figure out what was happening to him and I was a distraction. He also wanted a normal life for me. But even these types of thoughts didn't help. In fact they only made it worse. Because my life would never be normal, no not after Chris has been in it. But I couldn't sit around and cry forever. I still had work. In fact I made a routine out of it all.

1. Get up, eat breakfast, get ready

2. Go to work

3. Come home, listen to sad songs in the woods

4. Eat, cry, bathe, sleep

And so the cycle would go.

I didn't mind it. But I wasn't moving on. I hated being alone. First my dad and now Chris. Life was really starting to suck. I couldn't even move on. Because he came in and completely changed me.

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