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Chris pov

I watched as Emily sat down crying about her dad. She really was amazing. I was trying to comfort her. But she pushed me away.

"Do you want me to go with you?" I suddenly asked. She just looked up. "But what if they see you?" She asked. I just laughed. "So far your the only one who can see me." I said.

"No, n-no I should do this on my own." She said. Before turning around and waving. Like hell I would let her do this alone.

I quickly disappeared into her car. As she screamed when she saw me. "I told you no," she said. "And I didn't listen." I pointed out.

"I'm not leaving until you leave." She said. "Then I guess your not leaving." I said making her sigh and start her car.

At hospital

She looked at the hospital and tears fell again. "Hey. You will be fine." I promised. "Yeah but he won't be." She said talking about her father.

After checking in she ran down to the elevator. "Have to f-find him." She panted. "We'll get there what room?" I asked. "20." She said. "Come on." I said grabbing her hand.

"Where are w-" but before she could say anything else we were in her dad's room. "I'll give you privacy."I said as she smiled.

Really I didn't have anywhere to go. So I just watched her. Creepy yes but it's not my fault.

"Hey dad." She said wiping her tears. "I don't know what's gonna happen but um thanks for just being there." She said biting her lip.

"You were there when Mon left." She said. Oh so that's what happened. "And I don't even have the words other then I hope you go sonewhere good." She said again.

"I've grown into a strong young women because of you." She said. "And when I do die I will always remember the man who made me who I am." She said. "I love you dad forever." She said just as the monitor went with that horrible beeping sound.

He was dead.

She was alone.

This isn't good.

I still hadn't appeared as the nurse took out the body. She just sat there staring at where the body used to be.

I decided this was my time to show.

"Hey, you wanna leave?" I asked. "Yes because it's my dream to leave with my ghost." She said with no emotion.

I didn't take it personal. I knew It was just the pain talking.

I finally got her to leave. Without a word.

Back "home"

She was sitting in front of the fire. Not crying, not talking not doing anything but staring. I made her tea.

"A ghost can make tea?" She asked. "Don't start that." I said handing it to her. "How bad is it?" I asked. "What?" She asked.

"The pain." I said carefully. "I loved him, but I will be ok." She said. I knew that was a lie but I was just about to disappear before she said. "I don't know why I'm not afraid of you, but I'm just not." She said.

I walked back over to her and grabbed her hand. "Where we going?" She asked. "Bed." I told her. "Why I'm not even tried." She whined. "Well when my family died all I did was get a good night's sleep and got over it." I said.

"You killed yourself two weeks after." She pointed out. "Oh yeah well I won't let you do that." I told her. "Why?" She asked. "Just go to bed." I said tucking her in.

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