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Emily pov

He finally stopped stopping me and just disappeared. The rest of the walk back was pretty relaxing. But this could not be real I must be insane. Put me in a fucking mental hone already.

I finally got back home and raced up to my room. It was so weird knowing is also used to be someone else's room.

Once I got up I plopped down on the bed. Completely lost in thought.

Why me? I didn't asked for this. And why wasn't I scared? Anyone normal would run and hide. I guess I'm really not normal.


I started getting hungry so I went down for dinner to see a note on the table. This time it was definitely from my dad.

Dear Emily, had to go to work don't wait up


Great so I'm home alone with a ghost. Even though my dad doesn't know that. But it's not like I'm gonna tell him. I'm not that stupid.

"You seem lonely." The ghost said. "What do you want?" I asked scared. "To be honest nothing." He said smiling. "Who are you?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Aw come on deep down you know." He said. "Ch-christpher?" I asked. "Actually Emily I prefer Chris." He said taking a step forward.

To which I stepped back (like any normal person) and fell on my ass.

He rushed right over to me and gently helped me up. "You OK there?" He asked. "I don't know." I said. "How don't you know? Are any bones broken?" He asked his eyes filled with pain.

"No, I mean i must be going crazy. How the hell can I see you?" I asked. "Uh well that I don't know but I'm just gonna enjoy it. And you should to love." He told me.

"Y-your dead b-but your not." I said. "Yeah I'm confused too." He said. "Look I can tell your hungry and I wanna be alone.. but later I'll answer any question you've got." He said before disappearing.

Great now I really am alone.

I heated up Mac and cheese. After eating I thought about going to my room. But he did say he wanted alone time. So instead I went into the room I made a music room.

In music room

I started writing a song

Your there then your not

I waiting looking at the clock

And all I can do is wait for you

That was all I had time to write before Chris entered the room. He actually walked in like a normal person.

"That was amazing." He said smiling. "Oh great your my stalker." I said brushing past him and shivering. "Your so cold." I told him. We stared at each other for a moment.

"The perks of being dead." He said whispering the last part. I quickly walked out of the room with him following behind.

"Where ya going?" He asked. "Uh away from you." I said. "Oh come on I'll answer any question." He practically begged.

This got my attention so I said yes.

The questions

We were now both sitting on a different couch from each other. As I asked questions.

"Why do you trust me?" I asked. "You just seem... different." He said.

"What year did you die?" I asked. "2009." He said.

"How are you here?" I asked. "I don't really know." He said.

"Where is your family?" I asked. "Dead and gone." He said.

"Can you leave the house?" I asked. "Yea." He said.

"Let me ask you something." He said. "OK what?" I asked. "Why aren't you afraid of me?" He asked. I opened my mouth but then the phone rang before I could say anything.

"Hello?" I asked. As Chris just watched my every move. "What? OK I'll be right there." I said almost in tears.

Then I broke down and cried. "Hey what's wrong?" Chris asked kneeling down. "My-my." I started. "Hey. Hey come here." He said wiping my tears.

"My dad got into a car accident." I said still crying. "So I'm gonna guess your going to the hospital?" He asked. "Y-yes." I said still shaking really bad.

And so it begins ... lol

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