um argessive?

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Emily pov

I was at work bored out of my mind. When I saw Steven enter with a bloody nose. I instantly ran up to him. "My god what happened?" I asked him slightly concerned. "Well your boyfriend got a little argessive." He said playing with the bottom of his shirt. "Wa-wait my boyfriend?" I asked really hoping he didn't mean Chris. "Yeah he's got black hair an-" I stopped him there. "I know who you mean um when did he do this?" I asked very worried why he could see ghosts. "Like a half hour ago." Steven said with the slightest bit of anger. "Oh god I'm sorry, what did you do though?" I asked him. Knowing that Chris wouldn't have messed with anyone without a good reason. "I called you hot, probably not the smartest idea huh." He said looking down and blushing slightly. "Yeah, that was a huge mistake." I said. But then thought of getting fired. "Come on you mother fucker" I said grabbing his hand. Once we got back there I sat him down and told him to put his head back. "I uh guess Chris got... um... argessive?" I asked. "You could say that." Steven started. "But then again it was my fault." He said again looking down. "Hey! Keep your head up!" I demanded. "And yeah your right... it is your fault." I told him without shame. "So um you really saw him?" I asked being careful not to give anything away. "Ya know Emily I have eyes... therefore yes, I saw him." He said with absolutely no emotion. "Fine be like that, I've got work to do, today's my first pay day. Therefore I'm out!" I said flipping him off as I exited. God damn, he was so annoying. "Hey there pretty girl." A deep voice said. I looked up and recognized the old man from a couple days ago. I remembered his name. "Frank, how ya doing?" I asked him. "Well dear, much better." He said with a smile. "That's good." I said returning that smile. "What's wrong Emily?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I asked back. "Something is clearly troubling you, so sit down and tell this old fart." He said. "Well it's just that my boyfriend is going through something and I have no idea how to help." I said sitting down. "What's his name?" Frank asked. "Chris." I told him as he nodded in understanding. "Well take the advice I'm about to give you." Frank said as I just nodded my head. "Okay?" I questioned he just chuckled. "Look it's him going through it, not you, yes you love him. But if it's only him, there's not much you can do. But that doesn't mean don't help him. Go ahead help him. But don't try and fix him and worry about it. Just stay by his side. That's more than most people can even ask for." Frank said making me smile. "It's more complicated than that." I said the smile dropping from my face. "Well what isn't?" He asked. "Good point thanks sir." I said smiling which he returned. "I'll get ya a coffee on the house." I told him. "Thank you dear. And just remember if you ever need help I'm here." He said. I didn't say anything I just smiled and walked away to get his coffee. It was now two hours later. Frank and Steven were gone, and it was time for my pay. After getting that I went outside to see Chris waiting for me. "Well someone looks happy." He said kissing my cheek. "I am I got my paycheck." I said smiling. Which made Chris smile. "But we need to talk." I said in a serious tone which made him drop the smile and look at me. "Okay so talk." He told me. "Not here." I said grabbing his hand. He seemed to catch on because right then and there we disappeared back home. "Okay now let's talk." He said. "Wait hold on." I said before kissing him. I didn't wanna go all the way. But I needed him right now. So we stood there his back to the wall kissing for what seemed like forever. But hey I wasn't complaining.

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