what did you do to me?

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Emily pov

I woke up in bed,naked, and next to Chris. Last night was amazing. But I think I should be worried for the news he trusted me with. I loved him and he loved me. I guess that's why he told me. We didn't know what was happening. But I did believe it was his second chance. "Good morning." He said kissing my cheek. I giggled a bit and said it back. He gave me the cutest look. His hair was very messy. You could tell he just woke up. I didn't know ghosts slept. "Uh Chris?" I asked. "Yeah?" He asked again. "Are ghosts supposed to sleep?" I said again careful of his reaction. "No why?" He asked. Then I looked towards the bed. He finally realized what I meant. "I. Slept." He started. "All last night." I finished for him. "What is happening?" He asked. "I don't know. Your second chance?" I asked him as he just chuckled. "What?" I asked him. "I'm dead I don't get a second chance." He said. "Nothing's impossible." I said right before he disappeared. "Love you too!" I called out to the air. I had to get ready for my next day of work. I wouldn't get off until tomorrow. Then get payed the next day. So far so good. I was getting ready to leave for work. When Chris stopped me out of no where. He had a different look to his eyes. Usually his eyes seemed so dull and lifeless. But now there was a sort of life and light that I haven't seen before. "What did you do to me?" He asked before kissing me hard and disappearing. I finally walked to work. I did have a car. But I prefered to take my time. Plus I needed to focus on what was happening to Chris. Something was going on and it wasn't normal. Well as normal as it could get for him being dead. I got there right on time. My shift started as soon as the diner opened. At 8:00. So as much as I wanted to stay and cuddle with Chris I had to get to work. All part of living a normalish life. I got there an saw that guy from yesterday. As soon as I walked in his eyes landed on me. I forced a smile and walked to the back to put on my uniform. By the time I got out he was still staring at me. But when I noticed it his eyes seemed to drift away. I finally got a confidence boost and walked up to him. "Do you got a problem?" I asked him. "Um excuse me?" He asked. "Yesterday you wouldn't stop staring at me and now your here early?" I questioned. "Yesterday I was lost in thought an was staring off into space, today I'm only here early because my oven broke and is getting fixed at this moment." He said. "And besides even if I was staring at you it would only be because you are so beautiful." He said again. I couldn't help but smile at this. "I'm sorry I'm just paranoid." I said. "Well paranoid I'm Steven." He said shaking my hand. I laughed a little. "My name is Emily."I told him. "I think paranoid is better." He said. "I would've talked to you yesterday after your shift, but I noticed you walking with a guy so I kept my distance." He said. "Oh that makes... wait you saw him?" I asked him unsure of what he said. "Yes why wouldn't I have seen him? Is he like a ghost or something?" He said I awkwardly laughed at this then saw an old couple walks in. "Well duty calls." I said walking away from him. He just smiled at me as I walked off. I still thought he was a stalker. And how the hell did he even see Chris. News flash he is a ghost. He shouldn't be picking things up and sleeping. And definitely not being seen. So now we knew he wasn't crazy. That there was in fact some thing wrong with him. I don't know if I should be scared or happy.

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