A job

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Chris pov

A job? She wanted a job? She went out this morning looking for a job. I don't know why. I mean I get wanting a normal life but with me her life will never be normal. But we both like that idea. So here I was now. Walking around the house bored. While she went out looking for a job. Now I'm supportive of it. But I don't know what to do now being left alone. I used to be an expert. But ever since Emily and I met I've just been lost. Now I'm really really bored.

Basement balls

I decided to head down to the basement. There was always some sorta trouble down there. After tripping on the steps three million times I finally got down. I turned on the light and looked around. Nope nothing. "Basement you have failed me." I said shaking my head. Just then my eyes caught something. My old basketball. From when I was like ten. I can't believe it's still here after all these years. I quickly walked over to it and picked it up. Wait... what? I could pick it up. I'm a ghost. Just then it fell from my grip.


"Ok ball why can I pick you up?" I asked the ball. Yes, here I was talking to a ball. Just your average ghost. See it wasn't normal for me to pick anything up. And the only way someone could feel me was if we were close. But I've never not in my death been able to pick anything up. Now that's just strange. I quickly walked over to a vase. I tried to pick it up. But like it's always been since death I couldn't even get it in my grip. This was so weird.


I have had enough of being bored. I quickly got up and started to walk towards the woods. Dammit. Today has been weird. I've only ever been able to pick things up when I met Emily. Believe me all those times she was surprised I could cook... so was I. I've never been able to and this was just to weird. I finally stopped walking after a while and looked around. When I was alive I would come to this spot in the woods. Just to think and relax. This place was my one and only escape from all hell.

Lost in thought

I was still in the woods still thinking. Emily said she wouldn't be back until really late. I didn't need to sleep so I just went to the one place that's never seemed to fail me. So now I'm deep in the woods. Just lost in thought. Some good some bad. I was still very worried why I could cook and pick things up. What was Emily doing to me? She's always been such a bright spirit. Maybe she's changing me. But she wouldn't be able to actually make me pick things up. That's not even normal.

4 years

I had only been dead for four years. So if I was coming back to life I wouldn't be a million years old. Yes, the thought of being alive again found its way into my head. There's no way that was happening though. I mean nothing's impossible. Except that. Once your dead that's where you stay. Even if you don't like it. And me? Oh I've loved it. I get to scare people. I don't age. And I got to meet Emily. But being alive wasn't the worst thing either. At least then I still had my family.

A job

It was finally the Late hour that Emily comes back from job hunting. Part of me didn't want her to have found a job. But I'd be happy if she did. "Hey handsome." She said to me. "Mm hey." I called back. "Find anything?" I asked her secretly crossing my fingers. "Actually yes." She said. Dammit. "That's great where at?" I asked her. "at some local diner." She answered. I knew what she was talking about. I used to go there all the time. "That's great baby." I said hugging her closely. She seemed happy so therefore I was too.

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