the eyes

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Chris pov

I don't know what happened. But this morning when I looked at my eyes they seemed to have a light. That they've been lacking the past four years. I think it was because of Emily. But maybe that was just a part of it. I really did love her. But I didn't know what was happening. She drove me crazy. Once she left for work I started to go and forth. From the mirror to the couch. My eyes still seemed to have that life. It just wasn't going away. That coldness was gone. It was now eight hours later and I went walking to go pick up Emily. "Hey." She said once everyone was gone. I looked over and saw that guy from yesterday. "Whose that guy?" I asked. What? Okay I was still her boyfriend. I had every right to get jealous. "Who Steven?" She asked as I just nodded my head. "Relax I talked to him today he's just waiting for his car." She said as I reached for her hand. Which she gladly took mine. "So how was work?" I asked on the walk back home. "Um I actually have something to tell you." She started. "Okay... what?" I asked her. "That guy... Steven... he saw you yesterday." She said looking down. I stopped dead in my tracks. He couldn't see me. I was dead. "What?" I asked unable to believe what she said. "Yeah he said he saw me walking with you yesterday." She said. "What? How?" I asked. "I don't know he just said he saw you. I couldn't believe myself either." She said. "What is happening to the world." I asked which to do this she didn't answer. "What did you mean when you asked what I did to you?" She asked me. I gave her a small smirk. "Have you noticed the color in my eyes?" I asked. "Yeah but what did I have anything to do with that?" She asked in the cutest way possible. "I think your changing me somehow." I said this making her smile just a little bit more. I could tell that made her happy and confused at the same time. Once we got back she didn't seem to be as tired as me. How the hell was I tired? I'm dead god dammit. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked her. "Sure." She said. We settled on silent hills. Such a lame scary movie. But to Emily she got scared every second. She kept holding onto me. And I'm not gonna lie. I definitely got turned on by that. But that's a human emotion. So how was I feeling it? "Hey I have tomorrow off, let me plan a date." She said. "Hmm sounds like a plan." I said before drifting off into a deep sleep. Don't ask me how. I didn't know how I was able to sleep. I just know I could. And that scared me more than any scary movie. I woke up at about midnight to screaming. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed clearly awake. "THERE WAS A HUGE BUG!"Emily screamed. And i couldn't help but laugh at this. Again a human emotion. Which is not what I was. "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT?!"She asked still screaming. "It's just a bug okay you can kill it and watch it go into the light." I told her. "No it needs to go to hell." She said. "Why?" I asked. "For being to ugly." She said. This time we both cracked up. She was definitely different. "Just come on let's go up to our room." I told her. She was looking around like another bug would fall from the ceiling. "But what if there's another bug in there and what if it climbs inside me and kills me?" She asked making me laugh again. "There's only one thing that you have to worry about being inside of you babe." I told her winking. It was dark but I could still see her blushing. It made me smile at her cuteness. We went to bed. Well actually we didn't go to bed. I'm pretty sure we woke the neighbors up. And they live a mile down the road...

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