special places

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Chris pov

She kissed me! The girl I was in love with kissed me. I never thought Emily would want to. But wait what does that make us? Oh wow I don't even sound like a guy.

The point is that kiss was amazing. I hope she felt those sparks. Because I'll tell you what. I wanted her. Way more than I have ever wanted her before.

If I asked her out .. would she say yes? God damn so many mother fucking questions. I just need to grow some fucking balls and ask her out. Yeah a ghost and human.

Asking her

Here goes nothing.

"hey." I said calmly scaring her. Like always. "Oh, hi." She Mumbled looking down. I quickly walked over to her and lifted her chin.

I kissed her. It was quick but she responded. "I have a question." I told her as she gave me the look to continue. "Would you like to go out on a date with me?" I asked her. She looked completely amazed. Man I would've killed to know what she was thinking then.

"Yes!" She said happily. I quickly hugged her and planned to never let her go. But she kissed me on my cheek before walking away.

Getting ready

So here I was now. In the basement looking through old clothes. So many memories.

I quickly decides on a red shirt and black jeans. I'm not a girl so I don't need makeup. Obviously. But I did want to make her feel special. So I got a rose.

I know I couldn't take her out on a real date. But I did plan something in the woods. Hopefully she would like it.

It's about time that we leave so I went up the stairs to go find Emily.

Walking in the woods

"You look beautiful." I said handing her the rose. "You don't look so bad either." She said taking the rose.

I opened the door for her and she stepped out.

"Where are we going?" She asked making me smile. "That's a surprise love." I told her making her blush once more.

"This is so pretty at night." She mentioned. "Yes, I've always loved to come out here at night." I told her. "I can see why." She said.

I was about to take her hand but she must've read my mind. Because before I knew it she grabbed my hand.


"We're here." I told her. "Y-you did this?" She asked. "Do you like it?" I asked her. "Yes it's amazing." She said as we both sat down.

She looked up at the sky and smiled. "That's beautiful." She said. "Like you?" I asked her. She didn't say anything just smiled.

I really hoped she liked the night. But it wasn't over yet. Because after the picnic was another surprise.

I kept staring at her. Trying not to freak her out. She caught my gaze once or twice after leaning in the kiss me.

Dance with me

After the picnic (like planned) was the next surprise.

We stood up and she caught my stare again. "Wanna dance?" I asked her. Her eyes lit up and she shook her head yes. I'll take it she likes to dance. Good note.

So I pulled her closer as we swayed to the sounds of the night. She giggled up a storm when I lifted her off the ground.

Man, how I would do anything to keep hearing that. We held each other in the others arms for the longest time. Not saying anything and not breaking our love struck gaze.


We finally walked back holding the others hand.

When we got back i took her up to her room. She quickly went to take a shower so I took the time to make her bed.

When she came out I told her goodnight and tucked her in kissing her. "Wait!" She called.

"Yes?" I asked. "Where are you gonna sleep?" She asked. "living room." I told her and she gave me a weird look before patting the spot next to her.

I quickly cuddled next to her as she let out another giggle. "thanks for tonight." She said falling asleep.

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