Birthday wishes

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"Have fun! Bye " said my mum as she dropped me off at the recording studio. It was my birthday and after spending some time with my family, my mum had taken me here. I stood alone not knowing why I was at the studio.

I always wanted to be a singer and I, for years, I had looked up to MIKA. He always seemed so care free and happy in his skin. I wanted to be like him. I wanted to have albums out and be on tour all around the world. I knew that this was all ridiculously far fetched but I enjoyed imagining that I could get there.

A short man came in and checked who I was. Once he was sure that I was the right person he sent me in to a smallish room with a couch, some computers and a sound board. I sat down and he left telling me that someone would be with me shortly.

Sitting awkwardly, I fiddled with the change in my pocked before pulling my phone out and checking he time."13:04" I said to myself, taking a mental note so that I would know how long I had spent there.

As I put my phone away, I heard a voice "13:05" they corrected. I recognised this voice in an instant but looked up slowly and nervously, telling myself that I was imagining things and it was just wishful thinking. Especially after having not heard this person come in.

I looked up I saw him. MIKA. It was him! I knew his face well because I saw it everyday on my phone home screen but I wasn't going to admit that. I needed to be calm... and not such a stalker or crazy fan.

"Er... hey MIKA" I said calmly, as I stood up and put my hand out to shake his hand. As I did this, we watched one another's eyes. I knew mine showed awe but his seemed to be as well. It was intriguing.

As I got closer, he responded "hey. It's Ross right?". I nodded and he grabbed my hand that was still held out to shake his and pulled me into a hug.

"It's amazing to finally meet you" I said relaxing a bit after realising that he really did seem calm and caring. His arms were gently wrapped round my back.

"Right back at ya!" He laughed tightening his grip. After a few seconds he pulled away grinning cheekily "down to business".

"About that. What am I doing here?Obviously I met you, which is a lifelong dream now checked off by the way, but other than that." I asked curiously, mentally face palming myself for admitting that it was a dream to meet him.

"Come with me!" He smiled, looking away from my face as he showed me through the door and Exitement shot through me with nerves in very quick succession. The recording booth.

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