Counting down

74 7 0

3 days to go

It was the Thursday night before we left on Saturday and MIKA and I had just finished eating our dinner and we're getting ready for bed.

MIKA was having a shower and I cleaned my teeth quickly so that I could leave him to shower in peace and I could finish getting ready.

I walked into the bedroom and got into one of MIKA's loose tops and a pair of pants.

Snuggling into the warm quilt and laying with my head by MIKA's pillow so that I could smell his sent, I looked up to see a wet haired, shirtless MIKA walk into the room and laugh at the sight of me.

"What?" I giggled

" you! You're a burrito!" He sat on the bed next to where I lay.

"A cute burrito though right?"  I pulled him in for a hug and he wriggled under the covers with me.

"Sure." He tapped my nose and we laughed before he turned off the lights.

We ended up in a deep conversation about the tour, my transition and us.

Once the conversation was coming to an end, or a pause, I cuddled close into MIKA.

He fiddled with my hair loving and I slept with him in my mind.

2 days to go

I was awoken by gentle kisses. I opened my eyes to see brown eyes looking back at me. His head seemed to have an angelic glow from the morning sun that was creeping in.

"Hey" he smiled, still hovering over me.

"Mm" I groaned in response. I'm not a morning person.

"Morning to you too." He giggled

"I better have a shower and get ready if I'm going for my shot today"

"I think that's a good idea. What do you want for breakfast?" He didn't move from above me

"I don't mind. Cereal will do cause I'm too nervous to be hungry"

"Ok baby."

I smiled and pulled myself up to kiss him. He kissed me back and moved off the bed so that I could get up.

He was still shirtless and his curly hair had dried in a messy yet perfect way.

I showered, combed my hair, brushed my teeth, got dressed and walked info the kitchen where MIKA was dancing around to a song... In his head

"Are you ok?" I made him jump as he didn't see me walk up to him.

He looked and acted ashamed but he couldn't hold back the laughter.

We made sure that we were both completely ready before leaving the house and going to the clinic.

I was ready for today. I had been waiting for this day for years and it had finally come.

I squeezed MIKA's hand while we waited for my name to be called. He smiled to the floor and got his phone out.

He took a photo of out hands and posted it on Twitter with the caption 'wish Ross luck'.

As soon as he had posted it there were responses. Most of them said good luck but there were a few others. MIKA just sat and scrolled through them, reading each and every one.

"Ross" a doctor called

We stood and walked into the small room. I sat on the bed.

"So you know what's going to happen?" The doctor asked me

"Yup." I smiled

He got the practice shot and walked me through what to do for it. He was exact and clear so that I would be able to do it on my own.

Then it was time.

He got a packet with the needle and the actual testosterone.

The actual testosterone.


I walked myself through the steps and dos the injection.

"You're now officially on testosterone" the doctor congratulated me.

"Better start keeping track hey Ross" MIKA smirked, knowing that quite a few people track their changes month by month. I planned on doing something similar.

"Sure" I smirked back

The doctor checked that everything was ok before letting me go. I couldn't believe that I had done it.

We picked up my next few doses and got some lunch on the way back home.

I was on T and I was to be going on tour the day after tomorrow... With MIKA. The one that I loved more than anything and the one that loves me back.

Once back home, we chilled and watched some films but I couldn't think straight enough to keep track of what was happening. My mind was wandering to MIKA. I couldn't stop thinking about him: his beautiful eyes, his amazing voice, his jokes, his hugs, his kisses and everything about him.

After a while, we went to bed and with my arms around him, I continued to think about him.

I lay awake for hours. I was unable to shut my mind down and stop thinking.

The sun started to creep up and with that, my mind thought of the sun rather than the perfect man in my arms and I was able to sleep.

My dreams were filled with him but I wasn't complaining.

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