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I woke up and opened my eyes. The sun was gently stroking my face through the curtains while I lay with my legs tangled carefully with MIKA and my head on his chest.

I twisted myself to look at him and his eyes were still closed. He looked so peaceful and the whole house was calm.

I decided to go and have a shower because it was 7:00am and we were meeting with Kirsty at some point today. I wriggled out of MIKA's grip and made sure that he was still asleep before grabbing some clothes and heading to the bathroom.

I got a towel out and hopped in the shower.

Once washed, I got into a blue button up and some jeans so that I would look reasonably smart for our meeting today. I combed my hair into the usual lazy style and left he bathroom.

Peeping my head around the bedroom door, I checked that MIKA was still asleep so I left him in peace and decided to make us both some breakfast. He would be gently awoken and lured out of bed by the smell and it would be a good surprise.

I fried some eggs, beans and hash browns, played them up and sat at the table with my food.

"Morning baby" a voice behind me grumbled

I turned to see a half asleep MIKA walking towards me.

"Here we see the wild MIKA in his natural habitat" I joked. We both laughed and he gave me a tired hug before sitting at his seat and eating his breakfast.

"What time is Kirsty meeting us today?" I asked him.

"Lunch time ish I would say" he paused "I wonder if she's booked any shows"

We looked into one another's exited eyes and grinned ear to ear. " I guess we'll have to wait and see"

I stood up, put my dishes away and got out my guitar. MIKA stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me while I messed around with a mixture of chords.

He started to sing quietly into my ear and I kept playing a chord patten that I had found that worked.

I brought the song to a close and put the guitar down so I could face MIKA and give him a big hug. "You better get dressed and text Kirsty." I told him.

He looked down and walked away to go and get ready.


"We're meeting Kirsty in 10 minutes for lunch" MIKA shouted from the bedroom

"Got it. Are you ready?" I walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed.

"I think so" he sat next to me and pulled me into his warm embrace.

It was times like these when I felt as though I could take over the world. MIKA's arms kept me safe and I was ready for anything.

I listened to his steady heart beat and I felt his breathing quicken.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned

"What makes you think that something's wrong?" His voice shook slightly as he spoke

"Your breathing is getting quick." I sat up and looked at him.

With his hands in mine, he took a deep breath and looked at our hands as he started to speak "what if she finds you Ross? It won't be hard seeing as she knows that you're with me and your name will be on the websites for booking seats at shows."


"YOUR MUM ROSS! WHAT IF..." He was almost shouting but he stopped himself and started again more calmly after seeing that I was becoming scared. "What if she finds you and does something to you."

I looked at him and he looked at me.

"She won't... You're going to be there with me and so will Sam and Kirsty and the band and the security. I will be ok baby"

He kissed me and started to cry. I pulled away and led him by the hand to the bathroom. I sat him down and gently wiped away he tears. His phone rang in his pocket. He pulled it out and glanced at it before looking up at me hopefully.

I took the phone and answered it on speaker. "Hello"

"Hey it's Kirsty. I knocked at the door a while ago but there was no answer."

I blushed and MIKA smiled " oh. I don't know why that is" I giggled

"No kissing happened!" MIKA grinned

"Right... I can come back later if you want" she sounded awkward

We just laughed at her reaction and said we would be there in a minute.

MIKA checked himself in the mirror and wiped away the last of the tears before we walked to the front door.

"Hey there" MIKA opened the door to see Kirsty standing on the doorstep.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come back later?" She was a little red in the face

We laughed "no it's fine. Come in"

We sat and chatted about my plans for albums and things and where Kirsty would help me out and also plans for our tour. We needed merchandise, photos for advertising and a few other things for the shows.

"I have an important question for you two" she smiled and I sat forwards on my chair in anticipation. " would you like to have a tour bus?"

MIKA and I exchanged looks before saying yes please at the same time.

"Jolly good. I'll go and organise that for you but before I leave you to continue whatever it was that you were doing before I came" she smirked and we giggled " here are the shows that we've booked so far." She handed us a piece of paper with dates, places and some other information on as she stood up."ok well I best be off. Be prepared to be asked onto TV for some interviews." She shook our hands and left the house shouting "BYE!"

"Now where WERE we?" MIKA grinned, took my hand and led me back to the bedroom.

He flopped on the bed "nap time"

I laughed before kissing him.


I pulled away from the kiss. "Lunch time! I whispered and we got out of bed to go and get some food.

Different (a MIKA fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now