Class questions

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School was more normal on Tuesday. No one made fun of me and everyone called me Ross and he. I used the non-gendered bathrooms as usual and I helped out with the boys groups in P.E.

After school, MIKA picked me up from right outside the gates. He drove us home and I told him how well the day had gone. He told me what he was up to while I was at school and we ended up in a contented silence for the rest of the journey.

We got home and MIKA cooked and served dinner.

"Thank you for the food baby. You are an extremely talented chef!" I grinned and collected in the plates to put in the dishwasher.

" well. You could say that I guess!" He smirked and took my hand to lead me into the bedroom.

We lay down together and just hugged. This was one of my favourite things to do with him because it made me feel so safe and warm on the inside and out. It was our time together where we just enjoyed each other's company and it was becoming an almost essential part of our daily routine. I wasn't complaining and neither was he.

We didn't usually talk about anything other than us when we cuddled and I loved it.

"I'm so happy that we are telling the fans about us. You are the most important thing to me and I'm so glad that I got to meet you on your birthday. It was even better that we got back here when we did because I had an excuse to kiss you. I knew that you weren't going to fight it because we already said that we liked each other." He spoke quietly but clearly. I listened to every word that he said and thought about it in great detail for a few minutes.

" why did you come and see me in the first place anyway?" I sort of thought out loud but I was still curious as to what his answer would be.

" I saw some videos of you online. I saw you sing and the majority of the songs that you sang were mine so I knew you were a fan. As soon as I saw your face and heard you sing, I knew that I had to meet you because you were different. I had to do it to keep my sanity because I thought that I loved you but I hadn't met you so I managed to work out who your mum was and I contacted her." He informed me still quietly. His voice sounded cuter and it felt more intimate when we didn't speak at full volume. I knew he felt the same way because we had spiked about it in one of our previous cuddling sessions.

"Thank you for doing that to meet me. I knew that I loved you too when I heard your music but I didn't see the point in trying because there were so many others that I didn't think you would get the message." I told him and we both peacefully drifted off to sleep with thoughts of the next day's concert dancing excitedly around our minds.


" Wakey Wakey eggs and bakey! Today's the big day baby and it's time to get up and at 'em!" MIKA shook me gently and I opened my eyes to see him kneeling on the bed with a leg on either side of me.

" morning baby!" I smiled as I stretched.

I put my arms around his neck and pulled him down to me for a kiss. Once we pulled away he left to go and finish the breakfast so I say up to see my uniform laid out ready for me to get changed with my binder laid out on top.

" MIKA did you do this baby?" I called out to him.

He poked his head around the door " yup! I thought you could do with a good start to the day so when I woke up before you, i let you sleep, got all your clothes ready and started breakfast" his head disappeared back from the door.

" thank you. Love you!" I shouted so that he could hear me from the kitchen

"Anytime. Love you too cutie!" He shouted back.

I got dressed and ate breakfast with MIKA before he grabbed my school bag and my hand and we left for school.


It was just after form time and break time and I was headed to R.P.(religion and philosophy).

I walked in the classroom and found the teacher. " I am leaving early from this lesson miss." I told her.

" ok. What are you going for" she turned to me with curiosity in her eyes and I could see a few of the people in my cads watching me for my answer.

"I've got a concert at the O2 later so I have to do rehearsals with the band and I have to be there for sound check before people turn up." I tried not to seem like I was boasting and luckily, I don't think that it was received in that way.

" oh wow. Is anyone else from the school performing?" She asked, a little confused

"No. It's a proper concert miss. It's not the choir ones with the schools. I'm going to do a whole concert with me, someone pretty famous and the band!" I giggled at how she didn't believe me.

The class started to speak and I heard my name mentioned multiple times. I wasn't scary anymore. Not since MIKA showed me the stage and the two of us messed around so that I could learn how to use the ear pieces.

" ok class. Clearly you all heard the conversation I just had with Ross. And I'm sure that you would be allowed to ask him some questions. " she looked at me and I nodded, the excitement starting to warm my insides. "Good. So on your tables, write down any questions you have and Ross will answer them in a moment. You have two minutes. GO!"

I looked at the clock. I only had 15 minutes until I got to leave this classroom to go and mess around and have fun on a stage.

"Ok. Ross you read the question and answer them while I take the register" she sat at her desk and I started to answer questions.

"The concert starts at 9 is tonight. I'm singing and playing guitar. I'm performing with MIKA and it's a joint concert for the both of us" the class made an oo sound when I mentioned MIKA which made me smile wider than before.

I answered the last few questions and just before I had to answer any about MIKA and I, there was a knock at the door and my name was called.

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