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The next few days were full of rehearsals and MIKA and I doing our thing. I became less stressed about the show as I grew more confident in what I was playing and singing.


It was Monday morning and I was on my way to school with MIKA.

"So the reception have your new uniform and they have told all the teachers. The students were also informed on Friday so everyone should now be calling you Ross and he. Mr Peters also told me when I was on the phone to him that you have a few options for sports but he will talk to you about that when we get there and you are also free to use whatever bathroom you wish. I think that's pretty much everything... Oh and you're allowed to leave whenever on Wednesday so we can rehearse and things. Now I think that is everything." MIKA informed me because he had spoken to Mr Peters on the phone while I was getting dressed that morning.

"Wow. That's amazing. I didn't think that they would have thought of all that..." I was a little shocked at the detail that they had gone into with things like bathrooms and sports. "you're coming in with me to speak to him this morning right?"

"Yes baby. Don't worry. Like I said though, if you want to, just text me and I'll be there for you." I could tell that he meant every word of what he said.

" will I be able to see you if I need to?"

"Yes Ross. I'm sure that they would let you see me but if you can, try to sort it for when you aren't in class so that they still let you come out with me on Wednesday for the concert...oh and by the way, I'll pick you up from the reception as soon as you finish today so that we can go and check a few things at the O2 rather than having to stress because things aren't right on the day." He rambled, clearly overflowing with excitement for the concert that we were doing together on Wednesday to get the money for my top surgery.

" cool. I can't wait baby!"I smiled and held MIKA's hand tightly.

"Me either!"he squeezed my hand back before parking the car in the school car park.

We walked into the reception together and I was handed my new uniform so I quickly got changed in a meeting room before going to sit with MIKA on a couch to wait for Mr Peters to call us in.

"Mr Penniman and Ross!" He grinned  "please do come in!" We followed him into his office.

"Take a seat" Mr Peters ordered us and I saw MIKA pull his chair right next to mine so when we sat down, we could hold hands without it being obvious.

We talked for a while about my options with sports and a few other things. I decided to not to take part in p.e lessons but I would help out with the boys group.

"You look very smart with your new uniform by the way!" He told me as MIKA and I left his office.

" thanks" I smiled back.

I said goodbye to MIKA and he left while I checked the time and headed to my form room because break time was soon to finish since we had been talking for so long already that morning.

"Good morning...Ross" my form tutor awkwardly welcomed me.

"Good morning" I mumbled in response, already distracted with the thought of Wednesday running round my head.

I was tormented constantly when I entered the form room and I was called all sorts of names so I asked to go to the bathroom.

I sat and cried. All I wanted was MIKA. I wanted him to be there holding my hand while I wondered hopelessly around the school that day.

I texted him:

I can't do this without you -

-Do you want me to come and see you?

Maybe -

-I'm on my way. X

Ok. Thanks. X-


"I'll see you in a few hours ok?" MIKA let go of my hand and we walked back out to reception together so that he could sign out. "I love you" he breathed while giving me a hug.

"I love you too." I whispered back before pulling away "see you later" I smiled and turned away to walk back to class

I felt more confident now that I had spoken to him and I was ready to put in a few hours of work so that I could go for a concert with my amazing boyfriend, MIKA.

I worked as hard as I could for the rest of the day until I was let out of class 10 minutes early to go and speak to someone.

As soon as I got to reception I was called in to discuss how today had gone with Mr Peters and when I walked in to his office, MIKA was already there waiting for me.

"How did everything go today Ross?" Mr Peters closed the door and sat down with us.

"It wasn't too bad I guess." I mumbled

I felt MIKA grab my hand and I took a deep breath.

"It wasn't too bad except form time. That's why I had to see him" I gestured toward MIKA not knowing what to call him because I knew that MIKA was his stage name so if I called him that, he could be recognised.

"Ok. What happened in form time Ross?" I could hear the concern in Mr Peters voice and I saw, out of the corner of my eye, MIKA turn to look at me because I didn't even tell him what happened.

"I was called names. I can't repeat those words sir." I looked down.

" ok. Thanks for telling me. We will try to speak to your form tutor so that this doesn't happen again." He reassured me.

"Can I go home now please?" I asked still looking down.

I wanted to just be with MIKA and go to the O2 to sort things out. No matter what happened at school, I was still going to do a concert at a massive arena and I think that there were only a few tickets left!

"Of course. Have a good evening." Mr Peters opened the door and MIKA and I said goodbye before leaving the school and heading to the O2 in London.

" here we are! This is where we will be performing in two days." MIKA told me as we walked down the path out the front of the arena.

"How do we get in because don't we have to get backstage?" I was confused why we were walking in the way that we were but as I asked him, he took out his phone and pulled me to the side so that we were by the wall on the left and we hadn't actually gone in the front doors.

MIKA called someone and told them that we were here and a few minutes later, a door was opened from the wall next to us and a familiar face appeared.

" come in you two!" Max, the bassist, told us and MIKA took my hand to lead me though the doorway.

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