Walks, tables and cake!

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"You may now kiss"

I looked at MIKA and before I could even smile, his lips were against mine and we were pulling one another close.

We separated and stepped to the side to sign the certificate. Luna and Paloma joined us and signed their parts. It was less complicated than I had thought and all the stress was gone.

MIKA and I led the grooms men out and drinks were offered to people while the pictures were organised.

Many pictures with various groups of people later, everyone was free to explore the area while MIKA and I had some photos on our own. The usher, Sam, showed people to places to sit or places to go.

"My face hurts from all this smiling but I can't stop" I told MIKA as we slowly wandered back toward where the meal would be.

"I don't think I know how not to smile anymore" he agreed, swinging our joined hands as we walked.

"I'm ready to party" I took my hand from my husbands and wrapped it around his shoulder, only for him to put his hand back in it.

I liked this; walking together with hands held over his shoulder. The sun was starting to set as 5pm grew nearer.

"Let's eat first!" He corrected

"I still don't know what you ordered me." I had trusted him, as the cook in our house, with the food that I was to eat. He didn't tell me what I was having so it was still a surprise.

He tapped the side of his nose as to say 'it's a secret'. I knew that was coming but not long until I found out what it was.

"You know, it's strange how just a few hours ago, we were fiancé and fiancé, now we are husbands." I looked out to the setting sun and let the moment sink in.

I was walking with my new husband, the sun was setting on this wonderful day, and our friends and family were round the corner to celebrate with us.

"And only months ago, we admired each other through the internet. We hadn't met"

Wow. How had it only been months since we met? I felt like I knew this man forever.

"I remember exactly what happened when I met you. I looked at the time and said it out loud, as I often do, when you corrected me. I hadn't heard you come in but I know who you were by your voice. Not hearing you come in made me strangely nervous so I looked up at you hesitantly. I awkwardly tried to shake your hand but you hugged me." I recapped

"And it felt right. I knew then that I had to kiss you and find a way to be with you for longer than the few hours I was told."

We entered the area that was ready for the food. The round tables were set out neatly with names on every place. A large board showed the guests their tables. To the side, a small round table held a reasonably sized cake while a longer, rectangular table had the seats for MIKA, mum, Max, Fortuné, Sam, Luna, Paloma and I. We really didn't need half those people on the head table but there was space so it just turned out that way.

"I'm glad that you found a way for me to stay that night and that kiss was the best birthday present!"

We looked everything over before mum came in and told us to stand at the side. Once we had done this, we watched the guests file in but we weren't seen by any of them.

"Please welcome the groom and groom" a voice sounded.

That was our que so MIKA and I appeared from our cubby.we joined everyone at the head table and conversations began all over the room.

It was good to see all our friends and family getting along but the best thing to look at was my husband, eating his food happily with a napkin tucked into his collar. I told you, he's a kid on the inside!

Everyone who needed to, said their speeches and toasts were done. I enjoyed listening to the stories that people had, mainly about MIKA but also some about both of us. There was also one about me when I was young!

"Cake time" MIKA almost literally jumped out of his seat and took my hand before excitedly bounding over to the small table with the cake on it.

A group of people gathered round us, most had cameras out and ready. MIKA pulled me in front of him before standing behind me and holding the knife over my hand. We then cut the cake together, accompanied by a cheer.

After a minute, we all headed to the dance floor and I turned to MIKA with a smirk. "Can I have this dance?" I held my hand out to him.

He nodded, took my hand and we stood in the centre of the floor.

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