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Teenage... dreams in a... Teenage... Circus...

I opened my eyes and looked to the empty bed next to me.

Running a... Round like a... Clown on... Purpose

I smiled to myself as I walked into the living room where MIKA was sat at the piano. He had his phone on the music stand, showing him the chords while he strummed away at the ukulele. The only problem was, he stumbled over ever chord.

Who gives a... Damn about the... Family you... Come from...

I creeped up behind him and picked up my guitar, pulling the strap over my shoulder.

No giving... Up when you're... Young and you... Want some.

He paused to find the next chord so I continued where he left off.

I was a boy at an open door

MIKA turned around quickly and stared at me. I continued to sing through the laughter at the irony of the next line.

Why you staring?
Do you still think that you know?

He joined me in laughing.

"You're doing really well for someone who only started playing yesterday" I smiled and gestured to the instrument in his hands.

Frowning at the ukulele he said "it's hard you know. I can't play it well and I only know... 4 chords"

"That's really good though. You only got it yesterday remember" I chucked before putting the guitar back in its stand.

He nodded, also putting his instrument down.

"Your getting old" I smirked.

"Shut up" MIKA punched my arm playfully and I pretended to be hurt. He simply pulled my into him. His dressing gown was so soft that I was almost asleep again from just resting my head against it.

"Are you still awake?" He whispered after a long time.

I nodded and just pulled him closer.

More time passed.

"We need to get ready to go now baby." MIKA told me, kissing my neck.

"I don't want to let go through. You're soft, warm, safe, perfect in every way. Need I go on?"I pulled away a little so I could look into the beautiful brown eyes that I loved.

"Please continue." He smirked before letting go and leaving to the bedroom.

I picked up his ukulele and had a quick go but I knew that we had places to be today and I couldn't spend all day hugging my husband.

By the time I was done with getting ready, MIKA had been waiting for... A few minutes. We gathered our things and drove down to the hospital where we were to meet the surrogate for a checkup.

"You've got a few months still but he baby is healthy and everything is going well" the nurse told us.

All of us left the room and we decided to go for lunch together.

"Thank you so much for this Katie" MIKA grinned. "It means more than words can explain"

"In happy to help. You two are very helpful to me and always there, every step of the way. I'm glad that I get to be the one to do this for you" Katie smiled widely, showing her, near white, teeth.

She was very pretty. Brown hair curled down to just passed her shoulders and the sun sparked gently from her green-blue eyes.

After lots of baby talk and a few more 'thank you's, it was time to go back home... Via the shops for things for the baby's room.

We wandered, confused and a bit lost, around the cots, play pens, toys, seats and many other items. Lucky, someone saw us looking absolutely stupid and helped.

We chose a wooden cot that can turn into a toddler bed, a swing seat, a few toys and some blankets. I had to stop MIKA from buying the whole store but we left in time to still have some money left.

We also picked up some cream coloured paint and ordered a new, soft, carpet. It was to be delivered but other than that, we had to do this on our own. I wasn't worried though; it would just be a laugh.

"Let's paint!" MIKA sprinted through the house as soon as he had put down the shopping bags that he was carrying.

I continued to unload the car and bring in the many other boxes and bags while MIKA hopped about making tea, getting into old clothes and gathering the things we needed to start painting.

I joined him, once changed and everything was brought in, in the baby's room. He was stood, leaning against the wall on his phone.

"What you doing?" I asked before wrapping my arms around him from the side and leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Tweeting" he told me quickly and turned his phone off.

We poured out the paint and opened up the new rollers and brushes. I then got a brush and dipped in the tray, turned to MIKA to check that he was looking, and splatter paint at him. He threw his hands in front of him but the liquid covered him. He looked up with a smirk and opened his arms out.

"I want a hug" he pouted as he approached me.

I backed up but he cornered me and pressed himself against me. I gave up fighting and enjoyed his warmth.

"You know, we actually need to get something done" I told him with my head on his shoulder.

"Nah. Too late now! Plus, we need a shower now!" MIKA took my hand and led me out of the room and through part of the house, into the bathroom.

I decided, once again, to not fight him and just enjoy times like this. It was just the two of us for the time being but that wouldn't last long seeing as there was a baby on the way. I had to make the most of having MIKA to myself.

It's not like we're braking up or we'll never be alone together soon but it still was to be a big change and I was ready, but not fully prepared to share my husband with our child. The logic isn't totally there but it's hard to explain feelings.

We showered and put on underwear but left ourselves shirtless. This was the usual routine by now. It meant a lot to both of us that this was possible and we worked to get to that stage. We had come such a long way since we first met and he didn't even know that I am trans.

I sat down at the table with him to eat our dinner.

"Do you think we'll ever go on tour separately?" I wondered

"If you want. We will have to see with kids and things like that though because that could effect things."

"It's going to be strange when our child comes home in a few months. A good kind of strange"

He smiled and held my hand while we continued to eat. "We'll be ok. I can't wait to have our little family!"

I felt my heart beat a little faster in excitement and anticipation. "Me either."

After dinner, the two of us played a game watched a movie. We were tired and MIKA was almost asleep once the film was over, however we managed to make it into bed. As soon as we were in and quiet, both of us drifted to sleep quickly.


Just so you know, I didn't mention it in previous chapters but since they are married, it will now be Ross Penniman and Michael Penniman. I know that not all couples, gay or other, change last names but I wanted this to happen.

Sorry for being bad at updating lately but this chapter is a bit longer to make up for it.

I have decided that I will make a sequel for this so this book is almost over. *sad face*

Still need names so there's that.

Ok that's all for now.


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