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The next day, the sun was on its way back down by the time I woke up. Michael was still asleep beside me so I left him in peace for a bit while I got up and ready.

I showered, shaved and made some food before a well rested Michael made an appearance. He joined me in eating before I got dressed and he got sorted.

Today was the day that our baby was to be brought home and I couldn't wait but I was glad that both of us had had a good rest. Something told me that we wouldn't get much rest for a while once Evelyn was home.

Everything at home was ready for her. The cot was in our bedroom for her but her room was also ready. We had a little swing seat, a play mat, a bouncer that hung from the doorway, a variety of soft toys and various other items. The house was baby proof.

On the way to the hospital, I text our family and friends to let them know that it all went well and we were bringing her home. I told them to sort out a date in a month or so to come and see her.

Michael and I rejoined Katie in her room. She was almost ready to go home but she had to wait for tests to check things from the 'complications' a while before. Steph was at home catching up on sleep but she would be back with Katie soon.

Evelyn was bundled up in her tiny bed next to Katie. She wore a patterned baby grow with a matching hat. Mum's blanket was draped over her while she slept.

The doctors came in and did final checks with her before giving us the all clear to take her home. I picked her up and put her in her carrier where she quickly went back to sleep.

Once Evelyn was strapped into the car, I say in the back with her and kept her company while Michael drove. He managed to keep her asleep for the 10 minute travel but as soon as we were home, she started crying.

After seeing to her needs, Michael lay her on a mat with some toys and music.

I watched her as her eyes glared at the world in amazement. It must be strange to see this place all new. In comparison to a newborn baby, it would all seem so big.

The sun soon set and it was time for dinner. Evelyn was in her swing seat while we ate and she kept calm. I swear she was watching us but wether she was or not, she was the best thing that had happened to me since MIKA came into my life.

Michael was still my priority in life. As bad as it sounds, without the two of us together, Evelyn wouldn't exist. She was produced by our love even if it wasn't biological.

"Come to papa" Michael grinned as he picked up the baby.

We got her ready for bed together and gave her some milk while we got ready ourselves.

I carried her from the bathroom to the bedroom after Michael and I had cleaned our teeth.

"Right kiddo, time for your first night at home" I told her, laying her in her cot. "I love you Evelyn" I kissed her forehead.

Michael said goodnight to her and copied my action. We then got into our bed and assumed the sleeping possession.

"Let us know if you need anything in the night" Michael whispered.

"Oh. Don't worry about that, she will" I chuckled.

Michael kissed my neck "I'm sure she will" he breathed. He kissed me properly.

"I love you Michael" I announced quietly.

"I love you too Ross. I'm glad we have our family now." He responded.

"Me too. I can't wait to spend time with the two of you and watch her grow along with any other siblings she gets"

"One step at a time baby" he giggled.

"I know. One step at a time. Goodnight Michael"

"Sleep well Ross. I love you and you Evelyn. I love you both"

"I love you too" I squeezed just before my eyes closed and I drifted off to sleep.

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