Bad feeling

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Michael and I had a TV interview a few weeks after my birthday. Luckily it was only in London so we had no major traveling because we had to be around just in case Katie went into labor. If we needed to travel for the interview, we wouldn't have had a good excuse seeing as the public has no idea about the baby.

Kirsty booked us a car to get up to the studios so we didn't have to worry about trains. All that was left to do was choose good clothes and let the driver know when to pick us up.

The door bell rang so the two of us jumped up and answered it, collecting money and phones on the way.

"Good afternoon" the driver greeted

"And to you" I nodded as Michael and I locked up and got into the car.

"BBC studios am I correct?" He asked, starting the car up.

"Mmhmm" Michael responded. He looked out the window and bit his lip nervously.

"What are you visiting them for May I ask?" The driver continued making conversation, oblivious to how Michael was acting.

I decided to answer so he didn't have to. I didn't know what was wrong but I could sort that once we were in private. "We have an interview on the one show"

I carried on talking but my attention was on my husband. I held his hand and watched him. He didn't respond so I squeezed his hand again. He just looked at me for a second with his eyes filled with fear.

The conversation with the driver came to a close after a minute so wrapping  my arm around Michael, I whispered in his ear. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head so I told him to tell me once we got to the studios.

The rest of the journey was tense and strange. How had Michael had such a change in emotion so quickly? Nothing had happened after we left the house except getting in the car. I didn't think he had checked his phone or anything but I could've been wrong. Even then, he would've told me straight away. I just wanted to help.

We were met by Kirsty when we arrived and she led us through the halls to a door that said 'the one show'. I realised that this would be where we were to be interviewed however Michael needed a minute to sort some things and we had about 15 minutes before we needed to go in. I quickly spoke before Kirsty could open the door and asked where the bathrooms were.

Kirsty told us and I grabbed Michael, pulling him into me while we walked. As soon as I found the bathrooms, I took Michael into one of the disabled stalls to ensure that we could talk.

"Now. No one is here with us so what's wrong?" I questioned softly.

He paused but soon told me "I have a really bad feeling... I can't explain but something is going to happen and it's going to be bad. I've never felt like this before, at least not this strongly."

I sighed, causing Michael to shrink a little in concern for my response. "I believe you," I reassured "it's just that I can't cope with loosing our baby. We've   lost friends, I have only one person talking to me from my family while my mum hunts us down. The only thing that I can think of going wrong now is the baby."

Michael and I embraced one another while we talked. He told me about how he was feeling and we discussed all the good that remained. There was more than I realised and I felt better however I needed to know that little Penniman would be ok.

Eventually, we checked the time and rushed back to Kirsty in time to go live. I had a good time chatting with people and hearing all the stories they told but it was soon time to go home.

Michael and I just finished dinner when the phone rang. Not thinking anything of it, he answered the phone and his face dropped as soon as the other person started talking. He was still on the phone while he pulled his shoes on and gestured for me to do the same.

He hung up and turned to me, taking my hand and leading me out of the door. He explained where we were going "There's been complications with that baby. Katie said we need to go to the hospital now."

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