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For the next few days, MIKA and I just enjoyed the snow and the time alone together. We also got ready for my surgery, seeing as it was in just over a week. I was all packed and ready and so was MIKA.

He was planning to stay with me in the hospital and after the surgery, we would sleep a night at a hotel before returning home. The tour was to restart once I had some time to recover. In that time I'm sure that the wedding would have been booked and a surrogate mother found.

It was soon new year and the snow had melted a lot so people came over to ours. Kirsty, the band, Paloma, Fortune and my cousin Luna, who I kept in contact with since she was one of my best friends.

MIKA and I prepared the house for the visitors. They all had either a hotel to go to or a sleeping bag and pillow so we didn't need to do much except sort out the spare rooms.

Luna was to be staying with us for a few days so she had a spare room to stay in. I couldn't wait to see her again and catch up with her. I no longer spoke to my family so it was good to have her to update me on things. When I asked her to come for New Years, MIKA was the one to suggest that she stayed until the 4th. Luna and I gladly agreed.

I got some party poppers and plastic plates, knives, forks, spoons and cups while MIKA sorted the spare rooms and prepared the house. We were both excited and prepares for this. I couldn't wait to tell people the news either.

We decided to do a live stream and tell people then but also do the countdown with people watching. It was a new way to do things that we wanted to use. We would obviously tweet and things as well for people who were on different time zones and couldn't watch.

"All ready baby?" MIKA wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek.

"I think so. You?" I danced gently to the music with MIKA still clinging onto me.

"Yeah. Everyone will be arriving soon so we will have a few hours to chat and play games and things"

"Ok cool. Just don't get drunk please. I don't want to deal with any drunk humans tonight ok. If anyone starts to act that way then I'm going to bed and leaving you lot to sort it." I joked but I was dead serious. I hated drunkness. Yuck!

"I promise. We'll kick 'em out if it starts to get out of hand especially as we have a reputation to keep and there'll be a live stream going on"

As If on que, the door knocked and MIKA turned me around to face him, kissed me, took my hand and we answered the door together.

Max stood at the door with Sasha and Curtis, all round musician but mostly plays piano. The rest of the band were busy.

"Hey guys. In you come!" MIKA welcomed.

We all sat down and began to talk about random things as usual. About half an hour passed and it was soon 10pm.

Another knock at the door caused MIKA and I to jump up and run. We opened the door to reveal a rather cold looking Paloma and Fortune. They shivered as they greeted us and entered the living room with the others.

"So far so good" I whispered to my fiancé as we stood back and watched the interaction. It was interesting to see these people just talk as though they had been great friends for years.

Humans hey!

"Yep. Not bad. Just Kirsty and Luna now!" He smiled.

What a sight. His eyes glistened and his face glowed. Perfect.

I couldn't help but pull MIKA to me and kiss him. I loved to have him close and just be with him. Knowing that he felt the same mad it all so much more amazing and I was overjoyed to be planning my life with this man.

Within he next 30 minutes, the last two guests arrived and the house was full.

We set up the live stream and settled down to play some games and enjoy the next hour with my cousin, MIKA's brother and sister, our band and manager and my beyond perfect fiancé. 

After all the games, we stood up and began to speak to everyone: those who were here with us in person, through technology and in mind.

"We have something to tell you, all of you!" MIKA spoke. The grin on his face was... Let's just say I would give the world to see that everyday.

Happy 50 chapters!

Ok that's all.


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