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I woke up to MIKA planting kisses all over my face. I couldn't help but laugh because it tickled.

AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!" He sang loudly. More shouting than singing

"Someone's wide awake" I giggled before pulling him down to kiss me.

He smiled widely and spoke into the kiss "merry Christmas love".

"And to you baby"

I pulled away and took his hand before pulling on my blue furry dressing gown and opening the door for MIKA to reveal a couple of his presents.

His face lit up even more when he saw them.

"Looks like Santa came!" I pushed him towards the packages gently. "You better pick them up and take them to the living room so we can open them after breakfast"

He picked them up and headed to the living room as he spoke in a childish voice "thank you Santa. I always knew you were real!"

I couldn't help but think of the kids that we hoped to have running around at Christmas with presents and happy little smiles.

He dropped his gifts on the couch and exited to the kitchen. I knew what was coming...

I turned and looked at the doorway expectantly. After a couple of minutes, MIKA appeared in an apron with the words 'who's the daddy?" Written on it.

I chuckled at him as he ran behind me and wrapped himself around me, giving me kisses all over my face and neck.

"This is going to be a good day!" I put my hand on his cheek and guided his lips to mine.

"I hope you're this enthusiastic about all of them" I added as he walked away to make breakfast.

He soon hopped back out with two plates of pancakes and sat beside me. We ate our pancakes and nerves built inside me so as soon as he finished, I leant back into him knowing that his arms around me were what I needed to keep me from freaking out. I was right.

I finished my food and we sat on the floor together by the tree. It gave me a warm feeling inside to be with him in that moment.

He gave me a present and I opened it up quickly. It was a picture of us on stage together. We were holding hands and looking into one another's eyes. Around the picture was a silver frame with writing engraved in it. It was all in his handwriting and it said things that only we would understand. It was perfect.

I put the picture down and pulled MIKA in front of me so I could wrap my arms and legs around him as he often did to me as I copied his reaction from earlier and kissed his face and neck before kissing his lips.

He giggled before I handed him one of the presents that had been outside our room. He opened it to see a dressing gown similarly to the one I was wearing. He put it on rapidly so I could grip back onto him.

"You're soft. I like it" I whispered into his ear.

The next thing he gave me was a zombie survival guide. Another inside joke.

I then have him the letter. I had written it when he helped me through a lot of things. I hadn't even met him but he had helped me. He ended up in tears but we sat and cuddled and kissed until he was calm again.

He then gave me a grooming kit. "I'll show you how to shave and all the rest of it. You're beginning to grow some facial hair and now you can control it." He told me, clearly pleased with himself

"Thank you. I would love that. That would be amazing." I stumbled over my words, a little amazed seeing as I hadn't really thought about things like that.

We kissed.


After that, I spoke again "I want to give you your last one last. I want it to be the last present" I whispered.

I knew he had 1 more for we each bought 5 gifts. It was planned that way.

He stood up and walked back to the bedroom however he quickly returned with a piece of paper. He sat behind me this time and wrapped his arms and legs around me as I had done a while before.

I opened the letter and read it aloud.

It said how my name had been pushed up the list and I was to get my surgery on the 7th of January.

"How's that?" He asked happily.

"I... You... How... Thank you" was all I could say. I knew he had somehow got them to move the date forward. "That's perfect but this should be better" I grinned as I took the last present and stood up, pulling MIKA up with me.

I turned to face him. He looked confused but I just knelt down and his confusion turned to amazement.

I was on one knee. Step one complete. Now to talk. "MIKA. Thank you for all that you've done. You have made my life complete. You did that. You accept me and love me. You help me and protect me. I hope I do the same for you because I love you with all me heart. Every single part of me loves you and knows you love me to. So with that said, MIKA, I want to live the rest of my Life with you. I want to have kids with you. I want us to be husbands so MIKA, will you marry me?"

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