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MIKA breathed a sigh of relief as he pulled my hand gently to signal for me to come outside with him.

I looked outside to see a person standing outside. They wore a blue uniform with walkie talkie strapped to a large belt. "Hello. We saw someone chasing you earlier and we have come to check that you're ok. We have also caught them and they are in the security office"

We stared at the security officer in disbelief before MIKA and I exchanged an amused,yet anxious, look.

We followed, hand in hand, as we were led into the security office. I squeezed MIKA's hand and took a deep breath as we were about to walk into the room

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" He asked, concern clear in his caring brown eyes. I nodded slowly and breathed heavily as I was beginning to panic. "Deep breaths baby, it's ok. We don't have to go in if you don't want."

He searched my eyes for emotion before quickly pulling me in for a tight hug causing my breathing to return to normal.

I pulled him closer to me "she's going to come after us again unless I tell them" I whispered into his ear. I knew that the only way to keep us safe was to tell people about what had happened in my childhood

"I'll be there beside you when you do" he pulled away and gave me a quick kiss

I took his hand back and opened the door.

There sat my mum. She looked up at us and before any of us knew it, she was stood up and he hands were fast approaching MIKA and I.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion but it was no surprise to me seeing as I was used to her drunken madness. Luckily it was only the past year that this has been happening and I was strong enough to stand my ground or dodge her hands. When it came to my birthday, my mum was sober so she still took me to meek MIKA but she would most likely be drinking on the way home.

All these thoughts and memories flashed before me as her fist grew closer to my jaw. I gripped MIKA's hand for dear life as he stumbled back, trying to dodge the hits.

Suddenly I was in MIKA's arms and I felt no pain. I quickly became confused and all I could do was wrap my arms around him.

After a minute, he pulled away and looked at me with concern still present in his eyes.

"What happened?" I looked around to see that we were alone in the room

"She was about to hit us but just before she did, they pulled her away and you blacked out." He explained

"Where is she?"

"I don't know because they just told me to wait till you woke up before walking out with her."

We stood up and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Shall we tell them?"

I nodded. 

We found the person that had come to the bus with my mum and a couple of police officers. MIKA asked to speak to one of them and we told them the story in a small room backstage. The officer took notes and Smiled kindly as he left us to continue to get ready for the show.

I managed to keep myself together as we told the story. I was glad that MIKA already knew because he helped me to find the words to explain thing and he was there to hold my hand and keep me safe.

That's how I felt with him. Safe and loved.

We kissed each other passionately once we were alone and I told him the effect that he had on me and just why I loved him.

"I couldn't have said it better myself" he grinned as we wandered down to the stage. "Remember..." He paused and came close to me before whispering "same effect"

I couldn't help but laugh a little at the memories that we shared regarding those two words.

We exchanged 'I love you's as we walked out onto the stage, revealing the colourful stage with 'M's and 'R's dotted around in sparkled.

It was perfect.

A/n there we go. The mystery was solved. Haha.

I will update later to help catch up on the time I missed.

See ya then!


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