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The band, Sam, Kirsty, MIKA and I soon met Charlie and got back into the tour bus. We all sat down and set off to the first venue.

Although we were tired, MIKA and I sat with Max and Curtis to talk while the others slept.

"Your voice has gotten deep Ross" Max spoke.

"Yeah. It really has" Curtis agreed.

MIKA took my hand and whispered to me "tell them only if you want. We can make an excuse if you don't want to"

"I'm ready" I whispered back before turning to Max and Curtis. "That's because a while ago, I got on testosterone. The changes are taking place now so my voice is getting deeper."

They gave me slightly confused looks

"Ross is transgender you numpties!" MIKA laughed at them.


"Yeah oh"

"I see..."

"Good" MIKA sighed.

Sam exited his bed and came to join us. He sat awkwardly as Curtis stared intensely at me.

"Are you ok Curtis?" I asked.

No response

"Curtis?" MIKA joined.

Max shook Curtis' shoulders but he just shot him a look and turned back to me.

"What's wrong with you man?" MIKA sat up and pushed me back, worried about the next move.

He shook his head.

MIKA and I stood up to go to our room. Something wasn't right and we had to keep ourselves safe and out of trouble. As we stood up, Curtis spoke. "I thought you were gay MIKA"

We stopped in our tracks and faced him. MIKA stood in front of me defensively. I hate that situations like this happen but I liked how MIKA acted when it happened. It was reassuring and made me see just how safe I was with him.

"I am gay" he breathed, trying to stay calm.

"Well that thing behind you that you are marrying isn't a man"

"are you being serious?"

"Yes" Curtis stood up and looked MIKA dead in the eyes.


"I DON'T..."


The bus came to a stop and Curtis walked off with his things, constantly protesting.

"I'LL GET YOU!" He shouted as the door closed and we pulled away.

"We've got two people on our case now! Doing well aren't we" I laughed

"Well yes. We'll be ok though. Let's just enjoy the shows and look forward to the wedding." MIKA smiled

"Wait, Curtis was supposed to be coming to the wedding as an usher"

"Yeah but there won't be that many people so it won't matter too much. He doesn't know where it will be yet."

"Good point"

We played games and messed around for the rest of the journey and soon arrived at the venue. We piled in and had sound check before taking a walk with everyone.

You'd never believe the conversations hat we got into. Just remember that we were excited and also all a bit mad so things got stupid and... Interesting.

"We need to be back now. We're supposed to be changed and ready" Sasha warned.

Needless to say, we ran back and threw our clothes on before sprinting down to get our earpieces. We got there and the band had to line up straight away.

Before we knew it, we were back into the swing of things and the show was almost over. We had tried some new things out and MIKA and I wanted to do something even more unexpected.

We exited the stage and let the band entertain the crowd while we hurriedly found our way up the stairs to the top level of seats.

"Let's chose someone to come to the stage and do a song with us" I whispered.

"Ok. First, let's see if they realise we are here. If they don't, let's try and get someone without people noticing." MIKA had a cheeky smirk on his face.

We silently walked through the doors and managed to get in unnoticed. MIKA and I exchanged thumbs up and creeped over to a person in he back row. We tapped their shoulder and told them to be quiet before explaining that we would wait for then outside the doors.

We left and once we were gone, the person climbed out of their seat. That way we drew less attention to ourselves.

We were soon joined by he teenager. He had brown hair and a kind smile. The light was dim so most of his features were hidden but the three of us walked back to the stage, explaining what was happening and getting to know him as much as we could in the short time.

Talking to fans was always fun but this kid was even better to talk to. He didn't freak out and talked to MIKA and I as normal humans.

We soon were back on the stage and as we walked on with him, the crowd cheered loudly.

This was a good idea.

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