
81 6 2

1 day to go

As soon as I woke up I realised that I was alone in the bed. I checked the time and saw that it was 13:03

"Good afternoon" MIKA sat on the bed next to me. He was dressed and wide awake. "Sleep well?"

"I didn't sleep until the sun came up this morning so not really" I pulled him in for a hug

"Oh. Why's that?" He asked in the hug


"About what?"


He kissed me "I know the feeling. I've done exactly the same thinking about you"

We got up and I got dressed into my usual jeans and polo shirt while MIKA made lunch.

I walked out into the kitchen and sat at the table by all the food that was set out. There were salads, wraps, bread, sandwich fillers and a few other things.

"The bus is coming at 7 tonight so that we can check it out, put our bags in it and get unpacked. Apparently we have a double bed at the back and everyone else has bunks." He grinned as he started to eat.

"Cool" I grinned tiredly

"I told you that I wouldn't leave you didn't I?"

I chuckled and finished my food.

After we had eaten, I was more awake so the two of us triple checked that we had packed everything that we would need.

Once we had done this, we put our bags by the front door and sat together on the couch and talked.

For hours.

and hours.

We were stopped suddenly by a knock on the door. MIKA and I got up and answered it. There, at the doorstep was Kirsty, Sam and a new, friendly looking man.

"Good evening guys!" Kirsty smiled as she walked into the house.

Sam follow her move but he shook our hands on the way past. The friendly man was left on his own so he introduced himself. " hello. I'm Charlie,  your bus driver" he shook our hands with a kind smile that reached up to his green eyes.

"Hey Charlie. It's good to meet you. Please come in" I incited him to come in and take a seat.

MIKA made a cup of tea and started to cook the meal after checking that everyone was eating at our house.

We all sat around the table and chatted about plans and a few other genre things. I was sat in my usual seat with a space next to me for MIKA once he had finished cooking and on the other side of me was Sam. We had a conversation about schooling but quickly returned to talking to the others.

We all ate dinner together and it was great to get to know Sam and Charlie better.

After the excitement had subsided a little, MIKA and I got our bags and took them out to the coach. MIKA went on first and I followed closely behind.

At the front of the coach was the drivers seat and a little area for Charlie. There was a curtain that you could pull over behind him. Then there was the door and steps that we had come in on. The stairs led straight into a seating area with red seats and a few cupboards.

We continued walking down the coach and after the couches, there were the bunks for the band, Kirsty and Sam. They had red certain degree drawn across them all but they looked quite long. MIKA pulled one of the curtains back and we could see a small light, a small TV and a made bed. They looked spacious and luxurious but it was nothing compared to what was at the back of the coach.

There was a large double bed with a bedside table on both sides, mirrors on the walls, a few cupboards, lights dotted around the room. There was also a door that we could close so that we could have some privacy.

"Woah" MIKA and I said at the same time before putting our bags down on the black carpet and sitting on the large bed. The red blanket that was neatly draped over the quilt was soft and fury.

We unpacked our things and took our almost empty suitcases back out of be coach. Sam was in his bunk unpacking a few last things into a cubby at the end of his bed.

We got off the coach and put our bags in a large compartment that was on the underneath via a few doors on the side.

The 5 of us headed back into the house. It was nearly 9 now so we settled down in the living room with hot drinks and continued to talk until 11 when MIKA was falling asleep.

"Shall we go to bed baby?" I whispered into his ear.

His eyes opened slightly and he nodded. I stood up and somehow managed to carry him to the bedroom. I lay him down on the bed and pulled the covers over him before clambering into the bed next to him.

Light snores escaped his mouth as I lay next to him. I reached for his hand, not wanting to cuddle up to him seeing as he was already asleep. I took his hand and held it gently, stroking it with my thumb as I drifted off to sleep.

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