MIKA's birthday wish

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After a few days in Hawaii, it was back to the tour for just over two weeks.

MIKA and I had a couple of appointments about getting a surrogate mother as soon as we got back but once that was done, we were free to relax and do nothing except my schooling and working on a new album each.

The surrogate mother was confirmed pregnant and we had spoken to her a few times. I'm the mean time, MIKA and I spent 3 or 4 days a week in the studio. MIKA recorded while I did school work and when ur was my turn, he helped me to get things organised and mixed. A few of the songs on my album were written by the two of us.

The label had signed me after hearing what I was doing on he tour. I accepted happily and got straight to business with an album. It was to be released on my birthday seeing as the editing and publishing process took a while.

MIKA's album was to be released on his birthday the month before so the label planned a birthday/release party. They had one for me as well but I was less excited about that for some reason.

I brought MIKA one present for his birthday but I also made a cake. We had said that we didn't need to buy much for birthdays and similar occasions.

I managed to get up, showered and ready without him waking up on his birthday. I got up super early to decorate the house with banners and streamers and lots of colours. I also cooked him his favourite breakfast: pancakes.

I left a party hat outside the bedroom door before I stood his present up on the piano with his card. As soon as he saw the gift, he would know what it was even though it was wrapped but I knew that he would go straight into the kitchen for food.

He emerged in his sparkly party hat, dressing gown and trousers. It was a great sight to see and I couldn't hold my laughter. He was pulling a sleepy and not bothered face but he couldn't hold the grin when I laughed. He hugged me to try to hide his break in 'character' but I saw it anyway.

"Happy birthday!" I smiled and handed him a plate of pancakes.

His eyes lit up and he took it happily.

We sat and ate together before I took him into the living room where I watched him approach his present from the couch.

He picked it up, turned to face me and smiled. "I like it" he squeaked.

"I thought so. Open it up then"

He obeyed and looked at the wooden ukulele with curious eyes. He had no clue how to play one of these but I knew he could learn.

Holding the instrument against his chest, MIKA plucked at the strings with excitement sparkling in his brown eyes. I stood up and pressed a finger in a particular place to create the C chord. I knew how to play the ukulele.

"Strum" I instructed, holding my finger in place.

He used his thumb to play all 4 strings in quick succession. "What chord is that?" He continued to play.

I told him and he looked up at me. Without warning, he pushed himself into me and kissed me. My arms were soon around him and he put down the ukulele before his hands found their way into my hair.

"Happy birthday"

He pulled away, nodded and opened the card. As soon as he had read through it, he picked the ukulele back up and I stood behind him with my arms around his body to play the chords.

I played the chords for underwater but it was awkward with the position I was in so I soon gave up and removed my hand to pull him closer to me.

After a few songs, some lunch, cake, some smart clothes, and a car ride, we were at the release/ birthday party. MIKA was taken straight up on stage to speak and he looked flustered but managed to thank everyone for coming.

It was not a good experience for me seeing as everyone I knew was talking to press and busy the whole night. I was surrounded by people and had to step out to allow myself to breathe.





The hours passed and I hadn't seen MIKA since we arrived. I gave in and decided to wriggle through the crowd to get a drink but as soon as I stepped from my corner, a familiar pair of arms wrapped around me.

Suddenly I was pulled back and kisses covered my neck. "Have you been here all this time?" He gestured to the corner in which I had been stood for goodness knows how long.

"Yes. You were busy and crowds aren't my thing."

"You should have come to find me"

I paused before smiling and turning to face him. "Crowds really aren't my thing." I reiterated.

He chuckled "let's get out of here then"

We found a way home and as soon as we got in the door, I kissed MIKA. He smiled into it and I copied him. My thoughts went back to when we kissed for the first time in his car, then to when I proposed and finally to when we were pronounced married. The best times in my life were down to MIKA.

"Happy birthday" I told him when I pulled away. It didn't last long as he pulled me back to him.

Guess that's his birthday wish...

A/n happy birthday MIKA.

This chapter wasn't intended to be published on his actual birthday but it was cool that it happened.

I hope he had a good day.

Love you MIKA!

I also need some names for the kid/kids so please comment some.

Ok that's all.


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