Breathing's overrated

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When I woke up, MIKA was still asleep beside me. His arms were around me and mine around him but I had to get out of his grip.

After some careful wriggling and lots of slow movements, I managed to escape the bedroom without him waking.


Now to pick up my suit from Max's hotel and meet my helpers.

I quickly made se breakfast and left some to keep warm in the oven for MIKA and mum. I downed my food and grabbed everything I needed before throwing on a shirt that I had left out ready. I then wrote MIKA a note for his breakfast, one for mum to explain where I would be if she needed me and a last one for MIKA as a good luck and I love you sort of thing.

Max was waiting for me when I opened left the house so I hopped into his car and he drove us back to his room.

"I can't believe you're getting married today. Thanks for having me as your best man" Max handed me the suit and we sat down to do last check of a few things.

I had booked mum a hairdressers appointment along with all MIKA's siblings, except Fortuné so I had to check that they could get there ok and also I had a checklist to bring with me for mum when she came to see us later on.

Max and I were going in to the hall for a while to run through things with a few people that weren't there for it before so mum was to be coming over as well. She was the one who had done all the decorations for the reception so she needed to make sure that that was all perfect.

"I know right! It seems like only a few days ago that I met him and now I'm marrying him" I chuckled at the memory. What a day that had been!

Max gave me a slightly concerned look and opened his mouth to speak but I stopped him. "We're both ready for this. We wouldn't be doing it if not. Even though it seems like only days and it, in reality, hadn't been that long, I was ready to commit to him the day I met him and I know he felt the same. Don't worry. Now let's get going" I stood up and we left his room, with suits in hand.

We saw to everyone that we needed to and, after some lunch, it was soon time to get changed and ready. I had seen Fortuné for a minute to check that MIKA was ok and the nerves were building.

You would think that I wouldn't be nervous, seeing as I performed to massive crowds of strangers everyday for the last few months but this was a whole lot more stressful. MIKA wasn't by my side to keep me calm but these people were only our friends and family.


At the same time, it will be easy and amazing. I couldn't wait but I wanted to savour every second on today... Even though I was slowly dying of stress.

"2 minutes Ross!" Zuleika shouted as she passed the room that I was waiting in.

I laughed nervously. This was madness and I loved it.

"Remember to breathe" Max grinned.

"Pfft. Breathing's overrated!" I grinned back.

"Like love?" He smirked.


"And we know that love is
Overrated in this god dam world"

"No time for your crazy antics!"

"Whatever. Let's go get you a husband" he punched the air, walking out of the protection of our little room.

I don't know how most gay coupled do the walking down the aisle thing but we had our own way. We just walked out from either side of the dude that was marrying us when our best men told us to.


Step by step, I approached the door.



Max popped his head around the door and looked back at me with the best, most comforting yet excited smile he could muster up.

"You ready?"

I nodded

"Let's go then"

He opened the door and I stepped out.

Straight away I saw him. He looked angelic and perfect as always.

Suddenly it was just me and him, stepping slowly closer to one another.

His lips curled up and his hand found mine.

"Let's do this" he whispered in my ear.

Let's do this.

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