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When I woke up, I could see MIKA crying in his sleep. I pulled him onto my lap and rocked him gently saying " it's ok. It's just a dream. It's all ok baby" until he opened his eyes and his breathing returned to normal.

"What happened baby. Why were you crying?" I asked still holding him close to me, concerned about his sudden sadness.

"It was just a bad dream but you were there at a concert with me and everyone was rude to you and they beat both of us up. I tried to get to you but I couldn't and when I did it was too late. I'm never letting you go Ross. Never." He went on.

I couldn't do anything but kiss him. He sat up and pushed be back carefully, not breaking the kiss once. He hovered on his elbows above me so I couldn't move. I ran my hands through his hair gently.

After a while, he started to move his hands down to the bottom of my shirt again but stopped himself. He knew to be careful with me because of my dysphoria. I wished that I had a flat chest and he didn't have to worry.

We stopped kissing and just stared deep into each other's eyes. His loving brown eyes were warm and thoughtful.

"I'll pay" he said.

"Pay?"I was a little confused.

" for your top surgery... Once we get you HRT (hormone replacement therapy). I have the money for it and you are still in school so I know that you have none." He said happily

"Are you sure baby? It's a lot of money!"

"I could get that in one concert!" He paused, obviously deep in thought again. " would you do a concert with me? Then you can see what it's like and you can help earn the money needed so you won't feel the need to pay me back".

He knew me so well. I would want to pay him back but with his plan, I would have helped earn it. He also clearly wanted me to do it and I knew that it was one of my dreams- to perform a concert.

" that sounds great. Let's do it!" I whispered, pulling him back down into a hug.

He sat up. "cool! You get an appointment to sort out your HRT and I'll book the concert and inform the band.WAIT! YOU HAVEN'N MET THE BAND YET HAVE YOU?!" He sounded surprised and exited.

"Ok I'm on it... AND NO I HAVEN'T MET THE BAND YET!" I replied, mimicking him and getting out of bed to call and get an appointment.

"Haha very funny. I was just surprised that you hadn't met them that's all!" He moaned sarcastically.

" it hasn't even been a week since we met baby. Why would I have met them anyway, you haven't been at work?" I pointed out the obvious. "I'm gonna make this call now so you should make yours" I winked cheekily.

"Ok. I'm on it!"he walked out of the bedroom.


"It's all sorted!" MIKA told me when I came out into the kitchen, where he was putting lunch on the table and sitting down.

"Same here!" I smiled and joined him to eat. "The appointment is next Saturday so you wanna come with me?" I asked hopefully.

"And why should I come with you? He responded and looked at me as if I were asking him something silly that I knew the answer to but I was trying to test him.

"Because your in love with me and I need you there with me" I answered truthfully

"Of course I will come with you Ross, don't be silly"

"One more thing"

"What do you want now?" He giggled.

"A kiss...please"

He stood up and came round to where I was sitting. He stood me up and took me to the couch where he sat down and signals for me to kiss him. I straddled him and kissed him gently. I was overjoyed and grateful for this amazing man who had helped me start to get my life sorted and who cared enough to stay with me for even an hour let alone let me live with him.

We continued to kiss and I placed his hand on my chest so that he could feel my heart racing even though I thought he may have been able to hear it already.

He kept his left hand on my chest and I kept my right hand on top of it but he took my left hand and held it up to his chest with his right hand.

We stayed like this and kept kissing for a while just enjoying being with each other.

He slowed down and stopped before keeping hold of my hand and, without saying a word, telling me to get dressed while he did the same.

Once we were both ready, we left the house in a loving silence and drove to the studio. I knew that he wanted to record a new song for us to sing at the concert together.

"How about this?" He asked before playing a very upbeat song on the piano.

"Yeah. How about this?" I asked and played a new strumming patten and sequence of chords on the guitar.

"Perfect. Let's record! Start with the intro. You go first" he told me and pressed record.

I played an intro and then he played a piano intro and this was how we recorded the instrumental track - I played then he played.

We sat at the computer and put it together with dynamics and interesting timings before heading back and recording the vocals straight onto the track. We knew that I would be a love song and we knew just what to sing. It was amazing in every way.


"I will send it in to my manager to review and put on the new album" he grinned after listening to the whole song and making all the final touches.

"So are we going to tell people about us if we're doing a concert together and I have recorded a song on the album with you?" I asked unsure

"I'm ready if you are but I think we should tell people at the end of the concert and then we should do this song so we can give this song context but we can leave if we need to because I don't know what is going to happen when people find out"

"I agree. I think I'm ready too"I smiled back.

Please feel free to comment suggestions. As you can see, I post a lot but I can still use your ideas in the future. Thanks for reading.
Ross x

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