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I walked into Math, seeing the algebraic questions on the board, making me internally groan. I'm good at algebra, I just don't like doing it.

I sat down to who as I now know as Camila. She smiled at me, pushing her hair behind her ear, then looked down at her worksheet.

"Hey," I said. "I'm Y/N."

Camila looked up at me, "I know - wait, u-uh," she blushed. "I'm Camila."

I lightly laughed at her nervousness, "Nice to meet you, Camila."

Before she could respond, the Math teacher came in. I introduced myself to him, then sat back down. I glanced over at Camila, who's cheeks were still slightly red.

I smiled again, and leant back in my seat.

Camila walked into her home, getting the scent of chicken being cooked. Her mother was home, she saw the car outside parked in the driveway.

And judging by the pink light up sketchers by the door, so was Sofia.

"Ma! I'm home!" Camila called out, walking into the kitchen. She didn't see tables placed out on the main table, so she looked over to the dining table. "Are we having guests over?"

"Yes," Sinu nodded. "The Jauregui's are coming over."

"Oh," Camila mumbled. "Do I have to dress up?"

Sinu shook her head, "No. Not unless you want to. They'll be here around six."

Camila nodded, walking up the stairs and into her room. She didn't hear Sofia, so she assumed she was getting dressed. Camila looked at her outfit, and decided to stay in it. She wore black leggings, a flannel shirt, and black converse.

Camila looked at the time on her phone. 4:15 P.M.

The first half of the car ride home was me asking how Reese's day was. She said it was good and she made friends. I said the same. The other half was spent listening to the radio.

When we got home, Reese went into her room, probably going to relax or either to do homework. I had no homework, seeing as I completed most of my assignments in class or during lunch or free period.

I had ordered a pizza for Reese and I. Half pepperoni and half cheese. When it finally arrived, it was five-thirty.

I took out a twenty and walked over to the door. I handed it to the pizza man, and he smiled and gave me the pizza, then walked away.

As I shut the door, I saw Lauren, and I'm guessing her mother, getting into the car. Lauren waved at me, and I waved back, closing the door.

"Reese!" I shouted. "Pizza is here!"

I heard her bedroom door open, then footsteps. I handed her a plate, and she thanked me. I got one slice of cheese and one slice of pepperoni. I sat down at the table, expecting Reese to sit down with me. Instead, she grabbed a napkin and a water bottle, taking her food into her room.

I sighed.

Camila heard the front door open, then close minutes later. She glanced at the time, and saw it was five-fifty-nine.

Camila rolled out of bed with a sigh, her phone in her left hand as she ran her right one through her hair. She then exited her room, walking down the stairs.

Camila saw Lauren standing by her mother, Clara, hands stuffed into her leather jacket pockets. Sofia sat on the couch, coloring book on the table and crayons spread out.

Clara and Sinu knew each other from the hospital. Clara worked as a nurse, as did Sinu.

Lauren turned around, spotting Camila and walking over to her.

"Cabello," Lauren slightly grinned. "Been awhile, yeah?"

"Since we've talked? Or since we've seen each other? Because we saw each other, like, five hours ago," Camila responded, crossing her arms.

Lauren clicked her tongue, "Since we've talked. You ever gonna hear me out?"

Camila tapped on her chin, "No. You're lucky I'm not making a big deal out of this," she lightly scoffed.

"You act like I wanted to come," Lauren rolled her eyes. "Mom practically forced me."

Clara and Sinu went into the kitchen, probably to continue to make dinner, drink wine, and gossip about the latest TV shows and rumors at the hospital. Sofia seemed fine by herself, so that left Lauren and Camila, quietly standing by the stairs.

Camila turned around and walked up the stairs, sighing when she heard Lauren follow. She didn't bother closing the door behind her, knowing Lauren would do so.

"So," Lauren stood by the door, rocking on the back of her heels. "How've you been?"

Camila sat crossed-legged on her bed, back against the headboard, "Fine. You?"


"Cool," Camila nodded, her thoughts then wondering off to Y/N and Math class. "So, Y/N, huh?"

Lauren nodded, shrugged her shoulders, "Yeah. She's cool. She's my next door neighbor."

"Oh, cool,"

Lauren clicked her tongue again, looked around the familiar room, then took her jacket off. She placed it onto Camila's desk chair, sitting down on it.

"Where's your dad at?" Lauren asked, looking at the picture of Camila and her family that was placed on the desk.

"Business trip to New York," Camila answered. "He won't be back for another month."

"Oh," Lauren nodded. "You miss him?"

"Yeah," Camila mumbled.

Lauren nodded again, her fingers tapping on the desk. She let out a heavy sigh, the spun around in the chair, locking eyes with Camila.

"You like Y/N?" Lauren suddenly asked, catching Camila by surprise.

"A-As a friend, yeah," Camila stammered, hoping Lauren wouldn't notice. "Why?"

Lauren shrugged again, "Just asking. Dinah kinda said you did, in a way."

"Oh, well I was just curious, you know?" Camila offered a smile.


Minutes later, Sinu called the girls down for dinner.

My eyes snapped open, hearing the piercing scream from Reese's room. I jolted out of my bed, slammed the door open, and ran into Reese's room.

She thrashed in her bed, her cheeks wet with fresh tears.

"Reese!" I screamed. "Reese! Wake up! It's just a nightmare!" I placed my hands on her shoulders, shaking her.

Reese's eyes snapped open, her eyes glossy. Her body was shaking, and she let out a heart wrenching sob. I climbed into the bed next to her, wrapping my arms around her frame and pulling her into me.

"Shh," my hands ran through her hair, her face buried into my neck. "It's okay. It's not real."

"N-no," she shook her head, sobbing again. "B-but it o-once was."

I swallowed, sharply inhaling, "But it isn't anymore. We got away. It's okay."

"He - he's dead, r-right?"

I nodded, my jaw now set, "Yeah. He is. I'm sure of it."

I placed a kiss on the top of her head, then stared off at the wall as Reese calmed down.


Lauren and Camila once a couple? gasp

Normani and Dinah also? gasp

and is Y/N's dad really dead? and how is she so sure of it?

not edited


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