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Camila and I were the last ones to arrive at the lunch table. We walked into the cafeteria, hand-in-hand, and then sat down next to each other, in our regular seats. My thumb had the habit to run across her knuckles, giving Camila some sort of comfort.

"Ah, I wonder why the newly loved couple is late," Dinah teased, wiggling her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, "We weren't doing that. I was waiting for Camila to get done talking to her teacher."

"Mhm, sure," Dinah looked away from us, now looking at Normani.

Last night, I slept very well. I had woken up to Camila practically on top of me, her face buried in the crook of my neck and her legs draped over my waist. I had no idea how we got into that position, but to me, it was somewhat comfortable.

"I gotta go," Lauren murmured, standing up. "I forgot I have some re-search to do in the library."

Lauren glanced at me, then was walking out of the cafeteria. I raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything.

"That was weird," Ally said aloud. "Anyway, I'm dating someone."

"What? Who?" Normani questioned, eyebrow raised as she now turned to look at Ally.

"His name is Troy," Ally grinned. "The tall one, on the basketball team."

"How are you still straight if you hang out with a bunch of lesbian's?" Dinah asked.

Ally giggled, "I ask myself that everyday."


Lauren typed away on the computer, her eyes focused on the computer screen. She sat in the far corner of the library, biting her lip. Every once in awhile, she glanced up to see if anyone was coming toward her.

"You won't find anything," Y/N said, sitting down next to Lauren. "I had all the articles deleted."

Lauren jumped, slightly startled at Y/N, "I didn't see you come in."

"Came in through the side door," Y/N pointed to it. "If you want to know more, Lauren, then just ask."

Lauren sighed, "But isn't it a very sensitive subject?"

"Yeah, it is," Y/N nodded. "But I asked about you and Camila, and you told me about your dad. It's only fair."

Lauren glanced at Y/N, then cleared her search history and logged off the computer. She adjusted in her chair, so she was now looking at Y/N,

"How'd you two get out?"

"I shot him," Y/N quietly answered. "We moved here because, well, people in Virginia knew about us, or found out about us. It's not easy, Lauren, being surrounded by News anchor's, asking us how we feel. They have no respect for people like Reese and me."

"When are you ever gonna tell Mila?"

"When the time is right," she said. "Now, I have a question for you, Lauren."

Lauren furrowed her eyebrows, but nodded, curious onto what Y/N has to ask.

"Do you still love her? And answer honestly, this time," Y/N quickly added the last part.

Lauren glanced down at the table, then back up at Y/N, contemplating on what to say, "Of course I do, Y/N. Camila, she was, well, my first love. You never loose the feelings you have for your first love, even if they hate you."

Y/N nodded, understanding as she bit her lip. She knew that Lauren would always have a place in Camila's heart, and Camila would always have a place in Lauren's heart. So she couldn't help but think, what if Camila ran back to Lauren? Chose Lauren over Y/N? What if, when Y/N told Camila about her past, she'll go to Lauren? That she'll leave her?

"Listen, Y/N," Lauren sighed, seeing the look on Y/N's face. "Camila, she's loyal. You have to trust her, alright? Just, always tell the truth, and she won't do anything to hurt you. I mean it, she's - she's a special person, a one in a kind. You'll never meet someone like Camila, ever," Lauren paused. "And I'll stay away from her. I'll let you two have your relationship. Just promise me one thing,"


"Tell Camila," Lauren said. "Tell Camila about you and Reese. She'll understand."

Y/N stared at Lauren, "I will. When the time comes. I'm just - I'm not ready yet."

Lauren nodded with a small smile, "I understand."

She did, but with every word she said, her heart was slowly breaking, in pain. She loved - loves, Camila, with all her heart. But if Camila is happy with Y/N, then so be it, she won't get in the way with them.

"Thanks," Y/N stood and threw her bag over her shoulder. "And Lauren?"


"There's someone out there for you," Y/N said. "Trust me."


Camila sat in her room, fingers plucking the guitar strings. She was softly humming along when there was a knock at her bedroom door. She sighed, hoping it wasn't her parents,

"Come in!"

The door opened, and in came Y/N, smiling. She closed the door behind her, and put her bag down. Camila smiled, laying the guitar down onto her lap.

"Hey," Camila greeted. "My parents let you in?"

"No," Y/N shook her head. "Sofia did."

Camila laughed a bit, "Of course she did. She loves you."

Y/N smiled, sitting down next to Camila, her eyes going to the guitar, then back up to Camila, "You should play me something."

Camila shook her head, "No. I - just no. I'm rusty."

Y/N shrugged, "So? I'm sure you can do it. And besides, if you don't wanna be rusty, you gotta play."

"Yeah, in private," Camila laughed, getting up and putting the guitar back. "My dad got me that guitar."

"Oh," Y/N frowned as Camila sat back down.

"For my twelfth birthday," Camila started off quietly. "He surprised me, because I thought he wouldn't be here. He was supposedly on a business trip when he popped out of nowhere and handed it to me."

Y/N listened to Camila speak as they adjusted themselves, backs against the headboard now.

"Now, I'm not even sure he was actually on a business trip," Camila shook her head. "What if they were all excuses to see some - some home wrecker?"

Y/N sighed, grabbing Camila's hand, "I'm sorry, Camz. But I don't know what to say."

Camila smiled, "It's fine. Just, as long as you listen, right? That's all that matters."

Y/N pressed a kiss onto her cheek, "Yeah. Talk away, Mila. I'm here to listen."

And so, Camila began to rant about the divorce, and then occasionally made a joke or two, switching to another topic, but soon got back to the divorce at hand. That night, Camila cried, she laughed, she smiled, she yelled and shouted, and Y/N was holding her, all the while doing so.

And as Y/N now stared at Camila, she realized Lauren was right. Camila is one of a kind, and she didn't want to loose her.


not edited


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