forty two

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"She was mad at the moon. Finding out that the moon had hurt the sun, she wanted to make the sun feel better. Now, she didn't do this out of pity for the sun, no, she did it because she liked the sun."

I walked read the numbers on the door, stopping at a apartment 727. This is the first time I've ever been to Vero's place, so I got kinda lost.

I knocked on the door, waiting for her to answer. A second later, it opened, revealing Vero. She wore grey shorts, a maroon crop top, and black low top vans.

I smiled, my eyes scanning her up and down, "You look amazing."

"Thanks," she shut the door behind her as she walked out. "It took awhile for you to get here. Get lost?"

I flushed red at her teasing comment, "Maybe. Maybe not."

She quietly laughed, "Where are we going?"

"Out to lunch," I started. "And then maybe go to the boardwalk? I heard there is a small carnival, with games and some rides."

Vero smiled, "That sounds nice. Let's go?"

"I like this," Normani muttered, wrapping her arms around Dinah.

"Me too," Dinah softly said, letting the older girl cuddle into her more. The two were laying down in Dinah's bed, watching Netflix. Don't worry, they're both fully clothed.

They had just finished cleaning about thirty minutes ago, and both were worn out. The apartment wasn't as messy as it was before.

"Dinah," Normani started. "Don't ever leave me alone again, please."

Dinah sighed, "The thing is, Mani, - "

"You're not retired," Normani softly interjected. "I know. When do you deploy?"

Normani sat up, propping herself on her elbows as Dinah did the same.

"Next month," Dinah answered. "But I'll only be gone for three weeks."

Normani nodded, "Come back, yeah?"

Dinah chuckled, "I will, don't worry. I promise."

After lunch, I drove us to the boardwalk. I parked the car and quickly jogged over to open Vero's door.

"Thank you," she blushed, getting out.

I simply smiled and nodded, and we began to walk. The boardwalk was on the beach, obviously. There was a Ferris wheel, games, and a small but exciting looking roller coaster.

"So," I said. "What do you wanna do first?"

"There's so much to choose from," she lightly giggled. "I don't know."

I smiled a bit, "I vote on the Ferris wheel."

She nodded and grabbed my hand, "Okay."

We got into the line, which wasn't very long. Vero and I made small chat, that is, until someone got in line behind me. I took one glimpse and I tensed up.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Vero asked, noticing my unusual behavior.

"Can we ride the ferris wheel later?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't notice me.

"Y/N?" I cringed, and slowly turned around.

"Austin," I harshly muttered. "I see you're out of prison now."

Vero glanced between Austin and I. Austin sighed, shoving his hands into his pocket.

"Listen, Y/N. I'm sorry for what I did to Camila - "

"You should be," I spat. "She had nightmares for two weeks."

"Y/N? What happened?" Vero asked, giving my hand a squeeze.

"Austin here tried to rape Camila," I told Vero. "I made it to her house just in time. He went to jail for what? Two years? Yeah."

"I've changed," Austin mumbled. "I really have. I have a girlfriend - "

"Does she know about your past?" I interrupted. "And where is she?"

"Hey babe," a girl jogged up to Austin.

"Y/N, this is Becky," Austin introduced. "My girlfriend. And yes, she does know about Camila."

"Oh you're Y/N!" Becky exclaimed. "I'm sorry for what Austin did. I'm also sorry that Camila cheated on you with him. He didn't know at the time."

My jaw slightly dropped, and Austin chuckled nervously. I looked back at Becky.

"Is that we he told you?" Becky nodded. "That's a lie. How about you ask for the truth, Becky. I'm sorry that you date a liar."

"Y/N, calm down," Vero softly rubbed my arm. "Come on, let's go play some games. Yeah?"

"Yeah," I nodded, walking away with Vero. "I'm sorry about that. He just - ugh. He makes me so mad."

Vero nodded, "I understand."

The rest of the date, Y/N and Vero avoided Austin and Becky at all costs. Y/N had won Vero a giant teddy bear, which Vero was thrilled about.

"I had a great time today," Vero said as they now stood in front of her apartment door.

"Me too," Y/N smiled. "Thanks for letting me take you out."

"Thanks for asking," Vero retorted, also smiling.

The two fell into a comfortable silence, just staring at each other. Vero smiled again, then took a chance and pressed her lips onto Y/N's. Y/N kissed back, eyes closed.

Vero pulled away, "So I'll see you later?"

"You can count on it," Y/N softly said, and Vero smiled, walking into her apartment. When the door shut, Y/N made her way back into the elevator.

She was alone in the elevator. She leaned against the railing, sighing to herself with her eyes closed.

"Fuck," she muttered.

Her mind was still on Camila.

Though she had fun with the sun, she couldn't help but feel like something was missing. The sun offered her many things, light for one, and happiness. But where would be pain, and the sorrow? You can't have happiness without all of that.

She felt bad for thinking of the moon. She knew she loved the moon still, yet she couldn't bring herself to admit it. Not yet. She wanted to enjoy the happiness with the sun before going back into the beautiful darkness.

The moon offered her pain, sorrow, happiness, and many other emotions she couldn't think of. She knew she would hurt the sun in the end, and she knew that she would also get hurt in the process of going back to the moon.

And even though she couldn't admit it, she was scared of what was going to happen.


not edited


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