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Camila stood in the shower, the hot water dripping over her. She closed her eyes, her muscles relaxing. She let out a content sigh and re-opened.

"No, no, no," she muttered, seeing Austin standing in front of her. "No, stop."

She didn't bother turning the water off as she stumbled out of the shower. She got a towel, her breathing heavy as she exited her bathroom.

"Hey, hey, calm down," Y/N frowned. "What's wrong?" she got up from Camila's bed, wrapping her arms around Camila.

"He's - he's in there," Camila muttered, resting her head on her girlfriend's chest. "A-Austin is."

Y/N sighed, leading Camila to the bed. Camila sat with the towel still wrapped around her. Y/N walked over to her closest, slightly smiling when she saw her missing hoodie hanging up. She took that out and some sweatpants, handing them to Camila.

"I'm gonna go turn the shower off, okay?" Y/N inquired, looking at Camila. "I'll be back in five seconds."

Camila swallowed and nodded, "Okay."

I went into the bathroom, turning the shower off. Softly sighing, I turned the lights off and shut the door. I walked back to Camila's room, where she was now dressed with the towel in the clothes basket. Her hair was slightly dry, but still damp. I walked over to her, sitting down next to her.

"I'm - I'm scared," she admitted.

"I know," I murmured, wrapping my arms around her. "But he's gone, okay? He's in jail. I got you, Camz. You're safe with me."

"Promise?" she asked, her voice small.

"Yeah," I kissed the top of her head. "I promise."

"What if they stare at me?" Camila asked as we set in my car. It's been about a week since the incident, and a week since Camila has been to school. No doubt about it everyone at school knows, it was on the local news.

"Let them stare," I quietly said, grabbing her hand. "You're beautiful, and strong. Let them know that, okay?"

Camila nodded, smiling at me, "Okay. Let's go."

We both got out of my car, me locking it. When I rounded the car, Camila grabbed my hand, interwinding our fingers. As we walked into the school, people were already staring at us.

"Be strong," I quietly muttered to Camila, noticing how she slowed down. "I'm right here."

Camila took a deep breath, and we began to walk again.

Two Weeks Later

"Y/N! Y/N!"

I looked up from the book I was reading, seeing Camila running in with three letters. I raised an eyebrow, putting my book down and sitting up.

"What is it?" I asked as she sat across from me, legs crossed.

"My letters from the colleges I applied for," she told me, waving them in the air. "Which one should I open first?"

"UCLA," I said. "It's out of state, so."

She nodded, taking a deep breath and opening it. She unfolded the letter, and as she read, I took the time to admire her. In the past two weeks, Camila has grown stronger. She has gotten over Austin, but we both know he still sometimes haunts her. Austin is in jail now, because he is eighteen, he's an adult. He was charged for rape, and got two years.

"Well?" I questioned when she raised her eyes to lock with mine.

She smiled, "I got in."

"That's great!" I grinned. "Miami U now?"

She nodded, opening it. After a minute of reading, she frowned.

"I didn't get in," she sighed. "Oh well. It's time for FSU."

I smiled a bit, placing my hand on her knee. She anxiously grabbed that letter and ripped it open. Her eyes eagerly scanned the letter.

"I - " she paused. "I didn't get in."

I frowned, "Oh. I'm sorry."

"I - wow," she murmured, putting the letter down. "I mean, I could always become a teacher?"

"Yeah, but music was your dream," I grabbed both of her hands. "But I heard California is nice."

"Yeah," she lightly laughed. "Looks like we're going to California after graduation," she paused. "Where my father lives."

"California is a pretty big state," I chuckled. "I doubt we'll see him."

"Yeah," she smiled. "Let's go tell my mom."

"We're moving to California this summer,"

Reese looked up at me, eyes wide, "What? Why?"

I put my fork down, wiping my mouth with a napkin, "That's where Camila and I are going to college."

Reese sighed, "Does it always have to be about Camila? Don't get me wrong, I like her and all, but seriously?"

"I love her, Reese," I furrowed my eyebrows. "She got into UCLA. And I wanna go with her, which means you have to too. You're too young to be living alone."

"Then stay here in Miami! I like it her," she stated.

I studied her face, "Don't lie. You only like it here because of Lauren. Reese, Lauren's going to a college out of state, too."

"Yeah?" she scoffed. "How do you know? And where?"

"She told us all at lunch today," I said. "She's going to college in North Carolina. She got into Duke."

Reese's eyes widened, "Wow," her voice was quiet. "What is she studying."

"Medical shit," I answered. "She wants to become a doctor."

"Oh," she nodded, standing up. "Okay. I'm not hungry anymore."

I watched as Reese went into her room, shutting the door behind her. I shook my head and stood up, cleaning up the dishes.


not edited

might not post chapters for awhile so i can write moreeee

shorter than usual


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