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"I had a really great time today," Camila commented as her and Y/N stood on Camila's porch.

"Yeah, me too," Y/N smiled, their hands still interwind. "We should definitely do it again."

Camila nodded, blushing, "Oh yeah."

Y/N let out a breathy laugh, staring down at Camila. It was quiet between the two, eyes locked together. Y/N leaned down, kissing Camila on the lips. Camila tried not to smile, knowing that that would break the kiss, and kissed back. She wrapped her arms around Y/N's neck, pulling her closer. They both felt sparks and fireworks, and they both equally loved it.

Y/N pulled away, slightly out of breath, "I like kissing you."

"I like kissing you too," Camila responded. "A lot."

Y/N smiled, "I'll see you later?"

"Yeah," Camila smiled, "You will."

I still had a smile on my face as I pulled into my driveway. I sat in the car for a moment, taking in the moment. I haven't smiled like this..ever. I shook my head, getting out of the car.

I took my key out to unlock the door, but it was already unlocked. I furrowed my eyebrows, putting it away. I slowly pushed the door open, my eyes widened.

"Reese! What the hell!?"

Lauren sat, tense on the couch as my little sister pointed the glock I gave her at Lauren. I had given her the gun for protection.

"She snooped through our things," Reese responded. "She got into your laptop."

Lauren looked at me, locking eyes with me. I set my jaw, walking over to Reese, and slowly taking the gun away from her. I heard Lauren let out a sigh of relief.

"We can't kill her," I quietly said. "That's not the answer."

I put the gun in the waistband of my pants, then crossed my arms and turned around.

"Why the fuck did you go through our things?" I harshly asked.

"Why the fuck would you hide something like that!?" Lauren exclaimed, standing up.

"It's not exactly something you want everyone to know, Lauren," my voice was hard.

"You killed him!"

"He kept Reese and I as hostages! He beat us, didn't feed us for days!" I defended myself. "So of course I fucking killed him!"

Lauren didn't avert her eyes from me, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't want anyone to know, obviously," I scoffed. "You all would've looked at me differently. Judged me."

"No, I wouldn't - "

"Yeah, Lauren, you would've," I said. "You would've started showing me pity. You would've been gentle with me, kinder. You would've treated me like fucking glass."

"It's not everyday you hear shit like this,"

"Exactly," I responded. "Which is why you would've treated me like I'm fragile."

Lauren was quiet for a moment, then asked, "You ever gonna tell Camila?"

"Eventually," I muttered, my hard glare set on Lauren. "If we ever get serious enough."

Lauren stared at me, like she was seeing things differently, like everything was making sense to her now. I could practically see the gears in her head spinning.

"What about your mom?" she hesitantly asked. "She wasn't mentioned in the article."

"Dead," I dryly said. "We got money. We just don't like to show it off."

"I do," I heard Reese mutter, but I ignored her. "Lauren. You can't tell anyone."


"I mean it," I sternly said. "You can't tell Normani or Ally or Camila or even your mother."

"I said okay!" she exclaimed.

"Now, why were you here in the first place?" I asked, uncrossing my arms.

"Oh, uh, since Mani doesn't have your number yet, she wanted me to invite you the little get together we're having on Friday," Lauren told me, awkwardly scratching the back of her neck.

"Okay," I said. "You can leave now."

Lauren nodded, walking out, but paused, "Oh. And Y/N?"


"This doesn't change anything," she said. "I'm not gonna treat you differently. I know how it feels. So I won't do that to you."

I didn't respond, so Lauren finally left. I let out a loud sigh, then turned to Reese, who was looking at me.

"Don't ever pull this out on someone again, only if they're threatening you," I told her, pulling the glock out and handing it to her. "Got it?"

"Yeah, Y/N," she mumbled, going back to her room.

I sighed again, walking to mine. I shut the door and locked it. I threw my jacket onto the bed. I sat down at my laptop, clicking on the locked files and typing the password in. I had all of these articles deleted, but I kept them for myself. Why? I don't know. I just did. But now I have to think of a new password for them.

I ran a hand down my face in distress, shutting the laptop. I got up.

I felt angry. Disappointed. Someone knows, Lauren knows. What if she tells someone else? That would lead to them telling another person and so on.

I tightly shut my eyes, balling my fists up. I felt my finger nails dig into the palm of my hand, but I didn't care. I needed to calm down. And this wasn't working.

I opened my bedroom door, going to the bathroom and slamming the door shut, locking it. I turned the shower on, throwing my clothes off. I got into it, feeling the hot steamy water running down my back.

I pushed my hair back, taking deep breaths. Relax. Calm down. I can do this.

Lauren knows. She's gonna start treating me differently. She knows I killed someone. But I killed a monster. If I didn't, he would've killed me. Or even worse, Reese. I can't let anything happen to her. She's too precious.

Relax, I tell myself again. Calm down. I can do this.

I repeat those words in my head, my eyes still tightly shut. I inhaled, then exhaled, focusing on the water going down my back.

Think of something else.

My mind went to Camila. The way she smiles and the way her eyes light up when she talks about something passionate. Her mind works in a beautiful way, and I like that.

And minutes later, I find myself calming down.


oh shittt

not edited


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