forty six

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I stared at the white tiled floor. I hated hospitals. They bring nothing but pain and sorrow and regret.

I sat next to Camila, who was holding my hand. If anything, she was the only thing keeping me from going crazy. I wanted to shout and scream and cry.

My only family member left is in an O.R. If Reese died, I don't know what I would do. My father wasn't a good man, and my mother? Well, I have nothing to say.

"Family of Reese?"

I instantly stood up, as did Lauren. The two of us walked over to the doctor.


"I'm her older sister," I answered, then pointed to Lauren. "She's her wife."

The doctor nodded, "I'm Dr. Rollins, and Lauren, I didn't know you had a wife."

"Get to the fucking point," I snapped. "How's my sister? Save the fucking chit-chat for later."

"Okay, okay," he murmured. "We controlled the bleeding in her brain and her stomach. She's alive, breathing, but she hasn't woken up yet."

"W-Will she ever?" Lauren asked.

He sighed, "There's a fifty fifty chance. She has a broken arm, and a sprained ankle."

I inhaled sharply, "Can we - we see her?"

Dr. Rollins nodded, "Follow me."

And we did. Lauren and I both followed him down the hallway. We entered the room, and I felt tears swell in my eyes at the sight. Reese had wires connected to her, and there was a cast on her left arm, and bandages wrapped around her ankle. She had a bruised eye and a cut above the eyebrow. Lauren had a few cuts and bruises, and a sprained wrist.

"Fuck," Lauren gasped. "It's all my fault. I - I was driving."

Dr. Rollins left the room, shutting the door. I slowly walked towards Reese, grabbing her free hand.

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. I was in shock, frozen in fear. Do you know that feeling when your heart feels like it's in the pit of your stomach? But you know it's where it's supposed to be, and it keeps tugging and tugging until it feels like it's about to break? That's how I feel right now.

"R - Reese," I choked out. "You gotta wake up. Please."

"Reese," Lauren whispered. "I'm so sorry. I never wanted t-this to happen. I love you - please. Wake up."

"Hey, I'm back," Dinah walked up to the group with three bags of McDonalds. "I got us all cheese burgers, if that's okay."

"Thanks Dinah," Camila said.

"Where's Y/N and Lauren at?" Dinah asked.

"The Doctor came out, I'm guessing they're seeing Reese," Ally answered. "We don't know what's going on. We're just waiting for them."

Dinah nodded, lifting her head up to see Y/N walking towards them.

"She uh," Y/N scratched the back of her neck. "She's alive but - we don't - don't know if she's going to wake up."

The group turned around, facing Y/N. Camila was the first to walk over to Y/N, hugging her. Y/N hugged Camila back, tightly holding onto her.

"Lauren is talking to her still," Y/N murmured.

"Reese," Lauren sat down at the chair. "We need you to - to wake up. All of us. Y/N is worried sick. Everyone is here for you, okay? I need you, Reese, I fucking need you."

Reese looked around the unfamiliar place. She entered the house, shutting the door behind her.

"Hello?" she called out. "Lauren? Y/N?"

Reese entered the kitchen, seeing something on the fridge. Eyebrows furrowed, she saw a magnet on the fridge. It had 'Virginia' on it.

"What?" she murmured, looking out of the window. She didn't see the familiar beach road. Instead, she saw trees and grass.


She spun around at her name, coming face to face with an unfamiliar face. She had the same hair as Reese, and the same eyes as Y/N.


Reese was shocked. Here in front of her stood her mother. Her brown hair cascaded down her left shoulder, and she wore a white blouse, blue jeans, and white shoes.

"You're not real," Reese murmured, eyebrows furrowed. "Where am I? Where's Lauren?"

"Don't you remember, honey? You were in a car accident," her mother said, and then she reached forward, touching Reese's shoulder.

And suddenly, Reese remembered everything. Her eyes widened, and she gasped in horror, right hand over her mouth.

"Am I dead?"

"No," her mother laughed. "Well, not yet, at least. That's your choice. You can stay here with me, or your girlfriend and sister."

"I - "

"Before you choose," she interrupted. "Let's take a look at some things. Come on, follow me."

Reese followed her mother out the back door, and soon they came to see a girl dressed in all black, standing at a grave.

"Where are we?" Reese asked. "Who is that?"

Her mother smiled, turning her head to look at Reese, "That's the love of your life, my dear."

Reese furrowed her eyebrows, but when she saw those striking green eyes, she instantly knew who it was.

"Lauren? Whose grave is that?"

Lauren placed the flower onto the grave, "I miss you, Reese."

Reese's eyes widened, and her jaw slightly dropped. Lauren sighed, shoving her hands into her pockets.

"Y/N is a mess, she could really use you right now," Lauren said. "I'm not doing so well either. I lost my job, I lost my apartment. All in one year. I guess that is what happens when the love of your life dies. You loose everything."

Lauren then turned around and walked away.

"When you died, Reese," her mother started. "Parts of Lauren did too. The light in her eyes faded away. She lost her career, and she lost her apartment."

"Wow," Reese muttered, eyes going to the ground.

"Moving on," the cemetery faded away to a mansion with a gated fence.

"Who is this?" Reese asked as they walked into the house.

Her mother didn't respond as they walked up the stairs. They entered a room, where a girl sat on the couch in the dark. A bottle of whiskey sat by her foot, half emptied.

"It's Y/N,"

"But Y/N doesn't drink," Reese responded.

"She did after you died."

"What happened to Camila?" Reese asked. "She would've kept her in check."

"Camila left her again," she said. "Y/N became rich and famous after her second book. She thought she had it all, but you died. She became closed off, didn't talk much. So Camila left. Fell in love with someone else."

"What about our friends?"

"Got married and moved on," she said, then turned to Reese. "It's time to choose, honey."

"But you haven't shown me what it'll look like if I do go back."

She smiled, "Go with your instincts. Base it off what you just saw."


not edited


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