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Camila had asked me if she could spend the night. Of course, I said yes. I love spending time with my girlfriend. Girlfriend, it's a new word for me. Sure, I've slept with girls, but relationships? This is my first one.

"God, I had really fun tonight," Camila commented as we got out of my car, me locking it. "I taught you how to slow dance."

"Oh yeah," I nodded with a smile. "Just wait until I embarrass you at other parties when fast songs are playing."

Camila laughed, "Whatever. You won't embarrass me. I'm going to bed, I'm tired. You coming?"

"Let me go check on Reese," I told Camila, quietly, just in case she was asleep. "I already laid out some clothes on the bed. I just knew you were gonna spend the night."

Camila laughed, nodding as she pecked me on the cheek, going to my bedroom. I slowly opened Reese's bedroom, then turned on the lights. I saw clothes on the floor, and two bodies in her bed.

"Turn the lights off,"

"What the fuck?" I said aloud, that voice not being Reese. "Lauren!? What the fuck!"

Lauren jolted up from the bed, as did Reese. Lauren's eyes widened, her eyes going to me, then to Reese, then to her naked body.

"Shit, shit, shit," she muttered, getting up and quickly getting dressed. "Y/N, listen man, this isn't - it isn't what it looks like."

"Really? Because it looks like you just fucked my fifteen year old sister!" I exclaimed. "Lauren, she's a fucking freshman! What the fuck!"

"Y/N, calm down - " Reese said, but I glared at her, shutting her up.

Lauren was now fully dressed, eyes still wide as she stood in the middle of the room. My fists were clenched, and my breathing was now heavy. Before I knew it, I tackled Lauren to the ground, punching her. Lauren was trying to push me off, but I kept punching her.

"Y/N!" Reese screamed, throwing a shirt and some shorts on. "Get off of her!"

"What's going - oh my god," I heard Camila, but I kept hitting Lauren. Lauren found the strength to flip me over, now hitting me back.

I pushed Lauren off of me, standing up. Camila ran over to me, her hands cupping my cheeks, "Calm down, Y/N. Calm down."

My jaw was set, my fists still balled up. My lip was bleeding, I'm sure of it. Camila's thumb ran across my bottom lip, gently running over the cut. I looked down at Camila, locking eyes with her.

"Come on, Lauren, let me go clean you up," I heard Reese say, but I kept my eyes on Camila, knowing if I looked at Lauren, I'd probably punch her again.

"She slept with her, Camz," I muttered. "Lauren took my sister's virginity away."

Camila softly sighed, hands still cupping my face. She took my hand, leading me to my bedroom. We both sat down on my bed, her thumb brushing across my knuckles. We didn't speak, we just sat in silence. I didn't know what to say, I was shocked. Lauren, a seventeen year old, taking my sister's, a fifteen year old, virginity away.

A couple of minutes later, Reese appeared in my doorway, arms crossed.

"Living room, now. I'm trusting you not to beat her up," Reese said, glaring at me.

I looked at Camila, who gave me a small reassuring smile. We both stood up, walking to the living room. I looked at Lauren, who had a small cut above her eyebrow and a black eye. I winced, knowing that I caused that. I sat down on the edge of the chair, Camila finding room and sitting next to me.

"I'm sorry, Lauren," I apologized. "For hitting you - but you slept with my sister."

"I know that," Lauren nodded. "And - I'm sorry. I know she's only fifteen, but I'm only two years older than her."

"You took her virginity away!" I exclaimed.

"No, she didn't!" Reese interjected. "I started it, I initiated the kiss!"

My head snapped to Reese, who sat next to Lauren, "Why Reese? Out of everyone, why Lauren? Why not someone in your grade?"

"Lauren was there, okay!?" Reese sighed out. "I wasn't thinking. And - I wanted to try something with a girl."

"Which led to sex?" I scoffed.

"Look," Lauren started. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I regret it, I really do. I know you're protective of your sister, and it won't happen ever again."

Reese looked down, a frown on her face. I could tell what Lauren just said, about regretting it, hurt her. But I also don't want it to ever happen again, so I looked away from Reese, and back to Lauren.

"Good," my voice was hard. "Now get the hell out of my house."

Lauren stood up, sighed, and left the house, quietly shutting the door. I looked at Reese, who glared at me, her face a mixture of anger and sadness, then went to her room and slammed the door shut, most likely locking it.

I closed my eyes and sighed, leaning back in the chair. I felt Camila climb on top of my lap, her legs straddling me. I opened my eyes, a small smile spreading on my face as I locked eyes with her.

"Go easy on Reese, Y/N," Camila said. "She's just upset, okay?"

"I know," I murmured, my hands going to her hips. "I'm just - ugh. Out of all people, why Lauren?"

"She was close, lives right next door," Camila shrugged. "And Reese was lonely. It happens, Y/N."

"I guess," I mumbled. "Wanna go to my bedroom?"

"And do what?" Camila teased, a small smirk on her face.

I raised a suggestive eyebrow, "You know, things."

Camila giggled, cupping my face and kissing me. I grinned, picking her up, causing her legs to wrap around me. She giggled some more as I closed my bedroom door and locked it, gently laying her down on the bed.


oh shitttt.

not edited


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