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Lauren was right. People were spreading rumors about her black eye and cut. People noticed Y/N's busted lip too. They were saying that,

"They got over a fight for Camila," or, "I heard Y/N mentioned Lauren's family and went off, but Y/N obviously won," and finally, "They fight for money."

Lauren could tell it was getting on Y/N's nerves too, as to when anybody mentioned it, she rolled her eyes and walked away. The other girls asked about it too - except for Camila, of course - but they didn't assume anything, nor did they push for answers.

Lauren saw Reese once today, and that was early in the morning in the school parking lot. They smiled at each other and went their separate ways.

"My dad moved out," Camila informed Y/N as they sat on the bleachers.

"Oh. Are you okay?" Y/N asked, wrapping an arm around Camila and bringing her closer.

"Yeah," Camila nodded, resting her head on Y/N's shoulder. "I guess. It's not gonna be hard to get used to it, though. He was practically never home in the first place."

"Yeah, but you were expecting him to come back," Y/N quietly said. "Now he won't. And California is a long way from here,"

Camila sighed, "I know," she mumbled. "But maybe my Mom will be happier without him, you know?"

"Maybe," Y/N glanced down. "But what about your happiness."

Camila smiled a bit, "My happiness is with you."

Y/N smiled and pressed a kiss onto Camila's head.

Lauren grunted as her bat connected with the softball. She was at the batting cages, helmet on as she swung.

"Softball season isn't until next year," Normani said, approaching Lauren and turning the machine off.

Lauren sighed and took her helmet off, "I'm practicing early. Besides, we won't be here next year anyway," she said. "What's up, Mani?"

"Something happened between you and Y/N," Normani put a mitt on, then taking the softball into hand. "And I'm here for you to vent about it. Grab a glove."

Lauren put the bat down and took her gloves off, then putting a mitt on, "I slept with Reese."

Normani threw the ball, and Lauren caught it, "What the fuck? Her little sister? Why?"

Lauren threw the ball back, "I can't explain it. Y/N found us, and she started to beat the shit out of me."

Normani chuckled as she caught the ball, and shook her head, "Do you blame her? You probably took her virginity away,"

"No, I don't blame her," Lauren mumbled, catching the ball again. "And I didn't take her virginity away. Reese started the kiss and wanted to keep going, so I did."

"Okay," Normani paused. "Do you care for Reese? As in more than a friendly way?"

Lauren sighed, "I don't know."

Normani studied Lauren for a second, "You do. You totally do. She's a freshmen!"

"I know!" Lauren exclaimed. "I know that, alright! I can't help it! It'll be illegal in a couple of months anyway! I - I don't know what to do."

"Maybe it's just a crush," Normani shrugged. "Hopefully it'll go away."

"Yeah," Lauren muttered. "Hopefully."

I silently walked down the stairs. Camila fell asleep, and I was thirsty. I made my way into the kitchen, only to see Sinu leaning against the counter, her hands wrapped around a wine glass. Next to her was a red wine bottle.

"Y/N," she said. "How are you?"

"Uh, I'm good, Mrs. -"


"Sinu, right, sorry," I awkwardly chuckled. "Uhm. I was just getting something to drink."

Sinu gave me a small smile, and I opened the fridge and got a bottle of water, then closed it. I was about to walk out, but then sighed and turned around.

"How are you? Are you okay?" I asked, leaning my shoulder against the wall.

She took a sip of her wine before speaking, "I'm guessing Camila told you about everything that's going on, yes?" I nodded. "Well, I'm fine. That sick son of a bitch is out of our - my, life. I just want what's best for Camila and Sofia, you know? And - I, I don't know, Y/N."

"I get that you want your daughter's to be fine, Sinu," I began to speak. "And you feel like you gotta be strong for them. But it's okay, to not be okay."

Sinu sadly smiled at me and spoke in a quiet voice, "I know, Y/N. Just - take care of Camila, okay? I love her - and I hope you do too. I like you for her."

I stared at Sinu, a small smile on my face, and it got me thinking. Do I love Camila? I mean, I like her, a lot. And I'd do anything for her. I'd drop anything and everything for her.

"I think I do love her," I murmured aloud. "I - I don't know."

Sinu softly laughed, "It's alright to be confused. That's how love works, it confuses you. But when you look at her, Y/N, and your heart speeds up, and when she smiles you smile, that's how you know you're in love with her."

I bit my lip and nodded, "I'll see you around, Sinu."

"Very well," I heard her say before I walked up the stairs.

I sighed, taking a drink of my water as I silently walked inside of Camila's room, then shut the door behind me. She muttered something, rolled over, and her eyes slowly fluttered open. They looked around, finally landing on me.

"Hey," she mumbled, her voice small and raspy. "Come here. I wanna cuddle."

I softly chuckled, and I put my water down and took my jacket off. As I climbed into the bed, I felt my heart flutter, and the butterflies swarm my stomach. I wrapped my arm around her and brought her close, looking down at her. I brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, feeling my heart speed up.

And then I knew that I'm in love with Camila. And this could either end up good or bad. But in the end, sooner or later, I'm gonna have to tell her.

And I don't think I'm ready for that.


not edited


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