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It was Friday night, which usually meant parties. Camila and Dinah sat in Camila's room. Well, Camila sat while Dinah rummaged through her closest.

"Why do I go to parties again?" Camila asked, closing her book and putting it away.

"Because I love them," Dinah said. "And you're my best friend and you love me."

Camila clicked her tongue, "Fair enough. Now what am I wearing tonight, Dinah-Jane?"

"Well," she turned around. "Since Y/N is going - "

"What!? She's going!? Shit, Dinah! I gotta do my make up and -" Camila began to rush out, but Dinah cut her off.

"Relax, the party doesn't start until ten," Dinah began. "It's only five. We had plenty of time. Oh, and you'll be wearing this."

Dinah laid down a black crop top, tight black skinny jeans, a black cardigan, and black boots.

"All black?" Camila questioned, but then smiled. "Good choice. Now, you gonna do my make up or what?"

Dinah laughed, "Glad you asked. Take a seat, young one."

"I'm older than you,"

"By a couple of months,"

"You're going to the party tonight?"

I stood in black skinny jeans, and a tank top. I wasn't fully dressed yet when Reese had walked in.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Are you? I sure hope not, because I'm not allowing it."

"Nah," she shook her head. "Wasn't gonna ask anyway. I gotta catch up on my studies, test on Monday."

"What shirt should I wear?" I asked. "And good luck on your test."

"Thanks," she walked over to my closest, opening it. "And this."

She pulled out a black V-neck and my leather jacket, handing it to me.

"Thanks little sister," I grinned at her, ruffling her hair. "Now go study."

She nodded, murmuring something about being little, then left to her room. I simply chuckled and threw on my clothes.

I brushed my hair and my teeth, looking at my reflection. I'm only going to this because Camila is going to be there. I don't like parties, never have and never will.

I made a note to stay clear of the alcohol, then grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone.

"Reese! I'm leaving now! I love you and call if you need anything!"

Camila and Dinah walked into the house, the scent of alcohol and weed immediately greeting them. Upbeat music filled their ears as horny and drunk teenagers danced.

"Di - " Camila turned her head to see Dinah already gone. She sighed, "Why do I even go to parties?"

"I ask myself the same question every time," Camila spun around, grinning as she saw Y/N. "Hey."

"Y/N! You made it," Camila said. "Hey."

Y/N looked Camila up and down, biting her lip as she did so - which didn't go unnoticed from Camila. Camila did the same to Y/N, except, she licked her lips.

"Do you drink?" Camila shouted over the loud music.

Y/N shook her head, "Nah. Do you?"

"Nope!" Camila popped the 'p'. "Dinah left me here, probably to go get drunk."

"Ah, well I won't leave you," Y/N said, then held out her hand. "Come on."

Camila grabbed her hand and smiled. Though Y/N doesn't know her way around the house, she managed to find her way to the backyard, where less people were. Y/N had to let go of Camila's hand to pull two chairs near the small fire that was going on. They sat down, feeling the warmth of the fire.

"Whose house is this?" Y/N asked, curious on who is holding the party.

"I think it's Normani's," Camila answered. "Let's just say she's very wealthy."

Y/N chuckled, eyes lingering over the house, "Obviously."

Y/N looked back at Camila, locking eyes with her. Camila studied Y/N, searching for something in her eyes. Camila could tell Y/N was hiding something, but she didn't know if it was that serious or not. Y/N seems to act normal, like a regular teenager. But then Camila takes a closer look and realizes she's different, in some type of way. Lauren acts fine and yet she isn't, I mean, she lost most of her family and still acts like a regular teenager. So what if Y/N is doing the same?

"You zone out a lot," Y/N snapped Camila out of her thoughts. "Like, you zone out while staring at me or some other person. Like you're trying to figure them out."

Camila shrugged, feeling her cheeks warm out, "I don't know, I guess I just like to know people. To figure them out, to crack them."

"But people aren't codes," Y/N retorted. "You can't just take one look at them and unlock all their secrets."

"Then what do you do?"

"You learn the code, you memorize it, and then you find the secret, which cracks the code," Y/N simply answered, eyes still locked with Camila. "Do you think I'm hiding something, Camila?"

Camila swallowed under Y/N's stare, suddenly feeling nervous, "N-No. I mean - I don't know, ev - everyone has their secrets."

Y/N hummed, "That is true," she paused. "Then what's your secret, Camila?" she slightly leaned in, minty breath hitting Camila's lips.

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours," Camila murmured, glancing down at Y/N's lips, then back up to her eyes.

A small smile played on Y/N's lips, "Well, it's a big one," she whispered. "And if I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone, or run away."

"I promise," Camila whispered back, nervousness running through her veins.

"It's just, I really, really like you, Camila," Y/N responded, her voice still a hushed whisper. "And I really, really wanna kiss you right now."

Camila's breath hitched, "Then what are you waiting for?"

Y/N smirked a bit, glanced down, then closed her eyes and leaned in, pressing her lips to Camila's. Camila slowly kissed back, loving the feeling of Y/N's lips on hers. Y/N grinned, slowly pulling away and her eyes fluttering open, as did Camila's.

"Wow," Camila whispered.

"Wow, indeed," Y/N lightly laughed, still grinning.

Lauren took a swig of her beer, then walked back inside, throwing the empty beer bottle away and grabbing another one.


oo, y/n and Camila kissed. and y/n now knows that Camila is suspicious of her, and the two now know that they like each other. but then there's Lauren, what will she do? support it or not?


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