forty five

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I felt a kiss press to the side of my jaw, then one on my cheek, the corner of my lips, and then finally on my lips. I smiled, opening my eyes and pulling away.

Camila straddled my waist, goofily smiling down at me.

"God," I murmured. "How I missed waking up to your beautiful face."

Camila blushed, "How I missed hearing your morning voice."

I placed my hands on her hips, yanking her closer to me. I wanted to kiss her, but I had morning breath. So, I settled with her head resting on my chest, her hands clinging onto me. She had my flannel on, while I had a t-shirt on.

"You should get up," I whispered, softly rubbing her back. "So I can go brush my teeth real quick."

Camila sighed, but rolled off of me with a smile. I lightly laughed, getting out of my bed and walking to the bathroom, feeling her eyes on me.

Ally and Demi had woken up early. There's no better time to go to the beach than the morning. Ally was driving, while Demi sat in the passenger seat, choosing music to listen to.

"I have a question," Ally began to asked. "And you don't have to answer if you don't want to - but, what's with all the tattoo's?"

Demi glanced down at her arms, softly sighing, "I - well, it's a tough subject. But uh, these two right here?" Ally glanced at her wrists, nodding. "Stay Strong. Well, back in Chicago, in high school, I went to rehab."

Ally raised an eyebrow, "Oh. I'm sorry - I didn't - "

"Ally, it's fine," Demi softly laughed. "It's been a couple of years and I've learned to talk about it. But I don't wanna focus on that, I just wanna enjoy the beach."

Ally nodded, "Okay. We're here, by the way."

Demi looked up and out of the window, her lips curling into a smile when she saw the yellow sand and the water crashing down onto it.

"I give it a nine out of a ten," Reese rated the restaurant they had just went to.

"Eh," Lauren shrugged. "It was okay."

The two got into the car, Lauren driving. Reese changed the station on the radio, smiling when she heard Joel Adams.

"I gotta go back to work today," Lauren informed Reese. "So I was thinking I could drop you off at my place and then go to the hospital."

Reese nodded, "That's fine. I'm gonna miss you though."

Lauren gave Reese a quick peck on the lips, seeing as she was driving. Lauren glanced down at the radio, smiling when Ed Sheeran's name popped up.

"I love Ed Sheeran," Lauren commented. "Ever since high school."

"I never really gave him a listen," Reese admitted. "I heard he's really good though."

Lauren didn't respond, letting Reese listen to Ed Sheeran. She softly hummed to the song, taking a left - but instantly regretted it.

Everything was going great. Everything was fine. Until Lauren took that left. She heard nothing but the ringing in her ears as the car flipped over and over.

"Reese!" Lauren screamed, getting out of the car and climbing out of it. The car was smashed, and on fire. "Call 911! Please!"

Lauren ripped the seatbelt off of Reese, pulling her out of the car.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up," Lauren whispered, holding Reese against her. "Reese! Wake up! Baby, please!"

Lauren felt tears fall from her eyes, holding Reese's head against her chest. She heard sirens in the back round, and the radio was still playing,

"An angel will die, covered in white."

"Mm, Camila, baby, I gotta take this," I pulled away from Camila, but she continued to kiss my neck.

I answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Y-Y/N!" Lauren stammered over the phone. "R-Reese - she's - she's in the hospital!"

"What?" I sat up, eyebrows furrowed. Camila had stopped kissing my neck. "What happened, Lauren?"

"We - we got into a car accident," Lauren mumbled. "She's in surgery."

I got up, hanging up the phone. I put on my jeans, jacket and shoes.

"Reese is in the hospital," I mumbled to Camila. "Get dressed. That's where we're going."

"I'm sorry we had to take a detour," Ally apologized to Demi. "It's just - Reese is important to all of us."

"It's fine," Demi said. "Now you said Y/N is her older sister? Is she here yet?"

Ally and Demi were sitting in the waiting room at the hospital. Lauren paced the room, biting her nails. Normani and Dinah were by the vending machine.

"No - "

"Where is she!?" Y/N ran into the waiting room, a worried look on her face.

"She's in surgery," Normani said to Y/N. "She won't be out for another two hours."

"I'm guessing that's Y/N," Demi said. "And the girl next to her is Camila?"

Ally nodded, "Yeah. I'm guessing they're back together."

"What happened, Lauren?" Y/N asked, glaring at the green eyed girl.

"I - I don't know," Lauren mumbled. "I took a left and someone ran into us."

Y/N wanted to snap at Lauren, but knew it wasn't her fault. She's just the easier person to blame. Y/N let out a frustrated sigh, feeling Camila grab her hand. Y/N took a deep breath, and Camila hugged her.

"All we can do is wait," Camila whispered. "That's all we can do."

"This stupid vending machine isn't working," Normani huffed. "And I'm hungry. It took my money. I'm already broke."

Dinah chuckled, "I'll go get everyone some fast food. You wanna come?"

Normani shook her head, "No. I wanna be here for Y/N and Reese."

Dinah nodded, understanding, "Okay. I love you."

"I love you too," Normani kissed Dinah before she walked out. "Hey Als and - "


"Hi Demi," Normani sat down next to Demi. "I'm Normani."

Demi smiled, "Nice to meet you."


there's only 5 chapters left(;

not edited


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