forty eight

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"Open the damn door Mani!" Camila shouted, banging on her front door. She wanted to show Normani the ring, but Normani seemed to be to lazy and the door was locked.

Normani sighed, getting up from the couch and setting the bowl of chips aside. She walked to the door, opening it.

"What?" Normani asked, looking at Camila.

Camila grinned widely, pushing by Normani, "I don't care that you're in a bad mood, because guess what!"

"What?" Normani sighed, sitting back down on the couch, curling up with the bowl of chips.

"Y/N and I are engaged!" Camila announced, showing Normani the ring.

"Holy shit," Normani gasped

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"Holy shit," Normani gasped. "I sometimes forget that she and Reese are wealthy. It's beautiful."

"I know right!" Camila squealed. "I'm getting married!"

Normani stood up and hugged Camila, laughing with her.

"Who's gonna be your maid of honor?" Normani asked, giving her a look. "Me, right?"

"It's either gonna be you or Reese, I don't know yet," Camila said. "Y/N is choosing between best man - woman, whatever. Either Lauren, Dinah, or Ally."

Lauren tightened her grip around Reese, being the big spoon. She felt Reese's hand on top of hers. And then she felt water.

"What the fuck?" Lauren groggily muttered, opening her eyes to see Y/N, standing in front of their bed with a water gun.

"This is payback for that time you sprayed me," Y/N said, continuing to spray the two girls.

"Stop!" Lauren rolled out of the bed, groaning as she hit the floor. Reese sat up, glaring at her older sister.

"You fucking ass," Reese stood up. "Now my cast is wet. Great."

Y/N simply laughed as Lauren stood up, "She said yes."

"What?" Lauren inquired, confused as she walked into the kitchen.

"Camila, she said yes. We're engaged," Y/N repeated, and she heard Reese squeal from the bathroom.

Reese then ran out of the bathroom and jumped on Y/N's back. Y/N laughed a bit, catching her.

"When's the wedding!?" Reese asked, arms wrapped around Y/N's neck.

Y/N laughed again, "We don't know yet."

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