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Friday approached quickly. I ignored Lauren and she ignored me. Luckily she didn't tell anyone, and I'm grateful for that. Camila and I have been spending a lot of time together, and I'm loving every second of it.

I was late to the little hangout thingy because I had to make dinner. Reese has ordered out all week, and I wanted her to eat something in the house. So I got out the PF Changs from the freezer and cooked it.

"Alright," I said once she was done eating. "I gotta go now. See you later?"

"Yeah," she said. "Love you."

And then she was in her room. I frowned a bit. Reese seemed kinda distant this whole week. I shook my head, disregarding it and grabbing my car keys.

Once I got to Normani's house, I locked my car and walked up to the porch. I knocked on the door, and then I heard footsteps and the door opening.

"Hey," Camila smiled at me. "Come in."

I walked inside, shutting the door behind me. I heard faint music and the other girls laughing and chatting.

"Y/N! You made it," Normani said. "Thought you weren't going to show."

"Yeah, sorry," I apologized. "I made Reese dinner and ate with her."

"Oh, I'm just glad you came," Ally piped up, grinning at me.

I smiled back, sitting down next to Camila on the couch. We were close, so our legs were touching each other's.

"It's weird to be in Normani's house with out a hundred other people," I commented, lightly laughing.

"I agree," Camila said from next to me.

"Not my fault I like to be social," Normani pouted. "I like people and parties."

"We should play never have I ever!" Dinah exclaimed out of nowhere.

"With alcohol?" I frowned. "Because I don't drink."

"Yeah - neither do I," Camila said.

"Mhm, well, make an exception for tonight," Dinah devilishly smirk.

"Dinah - I'm serious," I sternly said.

"So am I," she was still smirking. I glared at her, but she simply stared right back, smirk not faltering

I rolled my eyes, "Fine. Whatever."

Dinah then looked at Camila, who shrugged with a sigh. Dinah grinned in success, getting up and walking over to the kitchen with Normani. I watched as they giggled and pour shots into the glasses.

"I can't believe I got peered pressured into doing this," I murmured, Camila quietly giggling. "And so did you - so stop laughing."

Camila just giggled again. Dinah and Normani returned with the shots, slowly and carefully putting them down on the coffee table. I glanced at Lauren, who was slumped back with her arms crossed.

"We could've just played this game with our fingers," I started. "We can always do that - you know. Instead of drinking?"

"Stop being a pussy and just do it," Lauren practically growled at me, probably annoyed. I stayed quiet.

"I'll go first," Dinah volunteered after a moment of awkward silence. "Never have I ever had sex with a boy."

Ally and Normani took a shot. Since Normani was next to Dinah, she went next.

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