fifty / epilogue

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Ten Years Later

"I feel old," I complained as I stared at our wedding picture. "This was literally ten years ago."

Camila laughed, wrapping her arms around me from behind, and resting her head on my back.

"We're only in our thirties," I said. "I shouldn't feel old!"

"Face it mom, you're old,"

I glared at my nine year old son, "Shush. I am young."

Aiden simply laughed and ran off to his room. I heard his footsteps from above, and I rolled my eyes. I turned around, my hands resting on Camila's hips.

"But at least I get to grow old with you," I said, my thumb brushing across her bottom lip. "I love you."

Camila smiled, "I love you too."

Camila pressed her lips onto mine, her hands tangling in my hair. Our moment got ruined by the doorbell ringing, but the door opening.

"Hallo!" Lauren walked inside of the house. Reese shut the door behind her, holding their three year old daughter's hand.

"Hey Lauren, Reese," I then bent down and picked up Jasmine. "Hey J."

Jasmine smiled at me and wrapped her arms around my neck. The door then opened again, and in came Dinah and Normani. Normani's baby bump was finally showing, and she looked excited about it.

"The baby is kicking and it hurts but I'm so excited about it," Normani said once she walked in. "But hey guys."

"Aiden!" I exclaimed. "Come down here! Your Aunties are here!" I heard Aiden run down the stairs, and he immediately clung onto Dinah.

"Wow, we know who the favorite is now," Reese muttered. "And I'm your actual sister. Pathetic."

I laughed, and the door opened again and in came Ally and Demi. All of us were married now, but Ally and Demi haven't had children yet. They were way too busy as detectives, and they were lucky to have room for a wedding.

Dinah and Normani got married a week after Camila and I did. They didn't hold an actual wedding, they just went to Vegas and did it. Demi and Ally got married two years ago. And Reese and Lauren got married five years ago.

Camila had decided to hold a family dinner, so we are. Dinah was officially retired and helping Normani as a dance teacher. She's actually not that bad at dancing, believe it or not. Reese graduated college and is now a big time movie producer. Lauren is still a hot-shot doctor. And Ally and Demi are still detectives. Camila still teaches college, whilst I still write books.

We're all pretty successful in our own way. Camila had had Aiden in September a year after we were married. Aiden was a good kid, spoiled, but that's normal. He loves music, sports, and reading. A good mixture, if you ask me.

I haven't heard from Vero in awhile, but I assume her and Ethan are doing well. Reese told me that Quinn is modeling now, believe it or not.

We all sat around the dining table, chatting and laughing with each other. I took a sip of my tea and smiled.

Though Reese and I didn't have a picture perfect family when we were young - or a family at all, we were doing our best. We made a new family, and we're doing the best we can to obtain it.

And like Camila said ten years ago, this, was only the beginning. Life is a roller coaster, and it never stops, my friend.

You just gotta roll with it, you know?


the end

it's funny I actually finished this book before other ones that I've been working on for ages.

this was a fun book to write. and if any of you are wondering if anyone else found out about Y/N's and Reese's secret, the answer is no.

Y/N, Reese, Lauren, and Camila managed to burry it deep down and never speak of it again. Yes, it's not realistic, but it's a fanfiction, come on guys.

any other unanswered questions? message me or comment them and I'll answer them if I can.

but if you already haven't, check out my other books, please. I'll very much appreciate it if you do.

thanks for reading this, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. (:

until next time, oh, not edited, btw. (:


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