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"Nice to meet you, Y/N," Sinu smiled, shaking Y/N's hand.

"You too," Y/N smiled back. "Thank you for the dinner,"

Though they haven't ate yet, Y/N still wanted to be polite. Camila stood next to her mom, smiling at Y/N.

"No problem, it'll be done in about an hour," Sinu told her. "You two go on now."

Camila smiled at Y/N, motioning her to follow her. The two walked upstairs, going into Camila's room. Y/N shut the door behind them, looking around Camila's room. The walls were painted a sunset orange, and multiple posters hung on the wall, like The Arctic Monkeys, Ed Sheeran, The 1975, and Lana Del Rey.

"I love the Arctic Monkeys and The 1975," Y/N commented, eyes going back to Camila, who now sat on the bed.

"Really?" her eyes lit up. "There's only one other person I know who listens to The 1975."

"Yeah? Who?" Y/N sat next to Camila.

"Lauren," Camila quietly said.

"Oh," Y/N murmured, then quietly added, "You two have history?"

"I - yeah," Camila admitted, nodding. Y/N didn't respond, she just looked at Camila. When Y/N didn't say anything, Camila continued. "We started dating Freshmen year, broke up at before Junior year started. We didn't see each other all summer."

"Why? If you don't mind me asking," Y/N quickly added the last part.

"Lauren had family issues - I'm not aloud to say," Camila answered, and Y/N nodded. "We just didn't work, you know?"

"Yeah, I guess,"

"Can we not talk about it?" Camila questioned. "Sorry - it's just, I rather not think about it."

"Yeah," Y/N smiled at her. "Of course. What do you wanna talk about?"

"Any siblings?" Camila asked.

"One, her name is Reese, she's a freshmen, fifteen years old," Y/N answered. "You?"

"Sofia," Camila said. "She's eight. Any hobbies?"

"Nah, not really," Y/N shrugged. "You?"

Y/N eyed the guitar in the corner of the room, then looked back at Camila.

"I play guitar and sing," Camila said. "That's about it. I like to read a lot."

Y/N looked at the three book shelves, smiling at how many books Camila had. She then looked back at Camila, who was already staring at her.

"Where'd you move from, Y/N?" Camila asked.

Y/N's fingers played with the quilt on the bed, "Virginia."

Camila nodded, "You like it here in Miami?"

"Better than Virginia, for sure," Y/N honestly said. "Besides, there isn't you in Virginia, so yeah. I do like it here in Miami."

Camila blushed again, ducking her head so Y/N wouldn't see. But she did see, and it caused her to smile like idiot. Camila was also smiling, feeling her heart slightly fluttered.

"You're a flirt, you know?" Camila joked, giggling a bit.

Y/N lightly laughed, "Only for you."

Truth is, this is a first for Y/N. Flirting, laughing, and smiling with someone that wasn't Reese. Y/N has no experience flirting or going on dates or anything similar to a significant other.

"What's your favorite color?" Y/N suddenly asked.

"Uh, orange and blue. Why?" Camila answered.

"Starting off with the basic questions," Y/N grinned. "I wanna know all about you, Camila Cabello."

Sofia and Sinu sat across from Y/N and Camila. The table was sat up differently, for some reason. Sinu had said she wanted to try something different.

"Pasta is delicious, Mrs. Cabello," Y/N politely said, smiling as she took another bite. It's been awhile since she's had a home cooked meal.

"Thank you," she smiled. "And please, call me Sinu."

"Y/N! Look at my drawing!" Sofia abruptly said, slightly startling Y/N. Sofia pulled out a picture of a pink and purple butterfly. "Do you like it?"

Y/N smiled, "I love it. Are you an artist?"

Sofia grinned, nodding her head, "Yeah!"

Y/N lightly laughed again. She admiringly stared at Sofia, happy that at least some children get a good childhood. She then shook her head, looking at Camila, who smiled at Y/N.

"Do you got a sister, Y/N?" Sinu asked.

"Yeah, her name is Reese. She's fifteen," Y/N answered.

Sinu nodded, taking another bite. Y/N saw a family portrait, but she didn't see Camila's father anywhere. So, she didn't ask about it, not wanting to talk about what might be a sensitive subject.

"What do your parents do?" Sinu asked. Y/N tensed up, and for a split second, Camila saw the panic flash across her face, but Y/N quickly dismissed it.

"They travel a lot for business," Y/N answered, plastering a fake smile on her face.

"Ah, so does Camila's father," Sinu said. "Won't be back for another month."

That answered Y/N's question.

"Oh," Y/N murmured, drinking from the glass. She glanced over at Camila, who was staring at her with curiosity.

The gears in Camila's head were turning. If Y/N's parents both were on business trips, wouldn't they have a little more money? Meaning that they wouldn't live in such a small house. Lauren had said Y/N was her new neighbor, and she knew the house next door to Lauren's is small. Probably about three bedrooms, but then again, that's enough for two kids, and a happily married couple. Maybe they didn't like showing off their money.

It's none of Camila's business. Camila shook her head, and continued to eat.

But Camila thinks Y/N is hiding something.

Sinu had went upstairs after dinner, along with Sofia. Camila told me that after dinner, she usually washed the dishes and put them away. I offered to help, so that's what we're doing now.

I could tell by the way she was looking at me that she knew I was hiding something. I've seen that look plenty of times back in Virginia. She didn't ask about it, though. And I silently thank her for that.

"I gotta go in a couple of minutes," I told Camila. "Reese is probably getting lonely."

"Okay," she nodded. "Thanks for coming over. I had a great time."

"Thanks for having me," I smiled. "Dinner was delicious."

I finished wiping the table off, and Camila finished putting the dishes away. We were now walking to her front door.

"Yeah," she smiled. "Come over anytime, okay?"

I stared down at her, admiring her brown eyes, "Yeah."

We stood in silence for a minute. My right hand was placed on the door handle. I swallowed, glancing down at her lips, then back to her eyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I inquired.

"Yeah," she nodded.

I took a chance and leaned down, pressing a kiss on her cheek. I flushed red, as did she, and smiled, then left.

I inhaled deeply, grinning as I got into the car.


Sinu seems to like you. and so does Sofia. Camila thinks something is up with you, will she find out? or will she tell you? how about that kiss on the cheek? you both seem to like each other..


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