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"What happened after I left, Dinah?"

The two were sitting in homeroom, which was English. Y/N had not yet arrived, so Camila was asking questions about her parents.

"Well," Dinah started. "After you ran out, they heard you. They saw me and told me to go home. So I went."

"They didn't say anything else?" Camila asked, adjusting herself in her seat.

Dinah shook her head with a small frown, "No. Did they argue anymore last night?"

Camila shrugged, "If they did, they were quiet about it because Sofia was home."

"Oh," Dinah said. "Where'd you go, anyway?"

Camila looked at Dinah, then glanced at Y/N, who had just walked in, "Uh - don't tell, but Lauren's."

"What!" Dinah's eyebrows furrowed. "Why?"

Camila shrugged, "She has experience on this stuff."

"Yeah she does," Dinah muttered. "Because she's a cheater herself."

Camila didn't get a chance to respond because Y/N had sat down. She smiled at Camila,

"Hey. You okay? You didn't answer any of my calls or text last night?"

Camila nodded, "Yeah. I just needed to think, so I turned it off."

"Oh, okay," Y/N mumbled. "Well, if you need anything, like to talk or something, I'm here."

Camila smiled at Y/N, then added quietly, "Thanks, Y/N. I'm gonna hold you up on that."

I was jogging around the track when I noticed Camila sitting on the bleachers. She stared down at the grass, her hair tied up into a high ponytail. She looked deep in thought, so I decided to jog over there.

I sat next to her, then put a hand on her thigh. She looked up at me and smiled. I could tell something was wrong, it was obvious. Camila had that look on her face, and there were bags under her eyes, signaling she didn't sleep last night.

"What's wrong, Camz?" I frowned. "You look like you haven't gotten any sleep."

I glanced up as I heard the whistle blow, seeing the coach ref the soccer game the students were playing.

"Because I haven't," she mumbled, breaking eye contact with me. "My dad came home yesterday."

"Isn't that good?" I questioned, eyebrows furrowed. "Don't you want him home?"

Camila nodded, "I did. More than anything. But when he came home, my mom and him were arguing. My mom said something about him lying and cheating on her."

I opened my mouth, but then closed it. I lightly squeezed Camila's thigh, causing her to look at me again.

"I'm sorry, Mila," I apologized with a frown. "Have you heard your dad's side of the story?"

Camila shook her head, "I don't think I want to."


Camila shrugged, "What if he actually cheated? What if he actually betrayed my mom? What if he actually lied to his two daughters? His whole family?"

I bit my lip, contemplating on what to say, "Well, Mila. You need to hear both sides of the story. I know you love your mom and dad, and you probably trust your mom more, but talk to your dad. Just ask him, because there are always two sides."

Camila gave me a small smile, "Thanks, Y/N."

I nodded, "Yeah. Anytime. I'm here for you, Camz."

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