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When Camila got home, she quietly shut the door. For once, she didn't hear arguing. Y/N had dropped her off at the school, reluctant to go home, but Y/N gave her a pep talk. Camila glanced out the window before fully walking into her house. She saw both of her parent's cars here, so that must mean they're home.

"Mom?" she called out. "Dad?"

Camila dropped her bag by the door, swallowing as she walked further into the house. She walked into the house, seeing her parent's sitting down. Her mother was sitting on the chair, while her father sat on the other. The fireplace nor TV were on, it was just silent.

"Mom? Dad? What's going on?" Camila asked, still standing. Her eyes darted to her dad, then her mom. Alejandro was dressed in khaki's and a red polo shirt, while Sinu was dressed in her hospital uniform.

"Sit, Karla, please," Sinu softly instructed. Usually, Camila would call her out for calling her Karla. But this situation seemed serious, so she just did as she said. Camila sat down on the couch, not fully, her butt was off the edge, her elbows propped up onto her knees.

"What's going on?" Camila asked again.

Alejandro sighed, "Karla, sweetheart," he started off, running a hand down his tired face. His reading glasses sat on the coffee table. "Your mother and I - we're getting a uhm, a divorce."

Camila's breath hitched. She knew it was coming, it was just hard to hear it aloud. Her parents, high school sweethearts, married right after high school, went to college together, are now divorcing? It was a shocker, especially when the news gets around. Everyone knew the two to be in love.

"May I ask uhm, why?" Camila's voice was quiet.

Sinu glared at Alejandro expectantly.

"I cheated, Karla," Alejandro muttered, his voice almost inaudible. "I - I lied to you, your mother, and your s-sister. I - I was here the whole time, w-with another woman."

Camila felt tears swell in her eyes, so she wiped them away, "Does Sofia know?"

"I told her that I was going on a long, long vacation. And that she'll be able to visit me anytime I want," Alejandro explained. "Your mother and I, we'll be splitting the money. I'll send child support, as much as possible."

Sinu scoffed, but didn't say anything. She was twiddling with her thumbs, eyes glaring at her now ex-husband.

"Who - who was the other woman?" Camila hesitantly asked.

"You don't know her," he shook his head. "And it doesn't matter. I'll be out in a week."

"Where are you going?"


Camila nodded, tangling her hands in her hair. She now stared down at the ground. While she was with Y/N, she forgot about the whole situation with her parents. Camila was enjoying herself, until she actually had to get home.

"I - I need t-to go," Camila muttered, standing up and practically bolting out of the room. She heard her parents call after her, but she grabbed her book-bag, ignored her parents, and slammed the door shut behind her.

She was running. Her feet couldn't stop against the pavement. She was now out of her neighborhood, and running by the school. Her feet hurt, and she couldn't breathe, but she kept going. She had no idea where she was going, but she was going to let her feet take her anywhere. Soon, she ran into the familiar neighborhood.

Now, she stood outside, and she didn't even bother to knock as she walked into the house. And once she did enter the house, she dropped to her knees, her breathing heavy. She was coughing, a lot.

"Reese! Get her some water!"

Y/N and Reese scrambled from the table, Y/N crouching down next to Camila, and Reese making some water. When Reese was done, she handed the cup to Y/N, who brought it up to Camila's lips. Camila greedily took it, drowning it all. She closed her eyes, dropping her bag, and falling against Y/N's chest.

"I don't - I don't - what's happening?" Camila couldn't breathe.

"Either you're out of breath," Y/N stated. "Or you're having a panic attack. Maybe a mixture of both."

Y/N handed the cup back to Reese, who made another cup. Camila drowned the next cup too.

"Di - di - divorce," Camila managed to get out, and Y/N frowned, getting the message.

"Breathe, Camz," Y/N softly whispered, pulling Camila into her. "In, and out."

Camila did as she said, but then calmed a bit at her scent. She wrapped her arms around Y/N, pulling her closer, if that was possible. Y/N felt tears on her shirt, but she didn't mind. She rubbed Camila's back soothingly, then kissed the top of her head.

"It's all gonna be okay, okay?" Y/N reassured her. "I'm here, no matter what."

Camila nodded against her shoulder, slowly lifting her head. Her breathing was now back down to normal, her eyes puffy. The two stared at each other, and Reese had slowly and quietly excused herself from the room.

Camila let out a laugh, her voice raspy from crying, "I'm such a fucking mess, aren't I?"

Y/N smiled a bit, "Yeah. But you're my fucking mess, okay? And I'm gonna take care of you."

Y/N stood up, offering Camila her hand. Camila smiled and took it, lifting herself up. Y/N locked their hands, then grabbed Camila's bag.

"Looks like you're spending another night, huh?"



Camila was laying down, her head resting on my chest, our legs tangled together. I was playing with Camila's hair, and she didn't seem to mine.

"I'm scared, Y/N," she quietly said. "What's going to happen?"

"I don't know, Camz," I honestly answered. "Just know, that I will always be here for you."

"Never leave me? Promise?"

"If only you promise me the same," I muttered, looking down at her.

"Then I promise," she said, her thumb brushing across my jawline.

I smiled, "I promise to never leave you, Camila Cabello."

Camila sighed, a smile on her face. She adjusted herself, closing her eyes and yawning. A small smile formed over my face, and I reached over and turned the lamp off. I got comfortable, falling asleep with Camila in my arms.



alejandro and sinu are over ):

not edited


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