Chapter 1: SURPRISE!!!!

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A/N: This is my new story, everything that this story will revolve around will be explained in the first two chapters of this story, let's get started.

Dipper and Mabel are in the backseat of the family car wearing blindfolds over there eyes while their parents, Patrick and Rachel, were driving.

"I'm still concerned," said Dipper.

"Relax DipDop for all we know they're taking us to beat up people from DreamWorks," said Mabel.

"Mabel stop hating on DreamWorks they make good movies," said Dipper.

"Peabody and Sherman," said Mabel.

"I stand corrected," said Dipper. (I really hated that movie)

The car makes one final stop.

"Okay kids you can take your blindfolds off now," said Patrick.

The twins take off the blindfolds to reveal they have duct tape over their eyes.

"Really Patrick?" Rachel asked.

"Safety first....I guess," said Patrick.

Mabel rips off Dipper's duct tape fast causing him to scream in pain.

Dipper does the same to Mabel.

"Jokes on you I've been planning on getting my eyebrows trimmed for a week," said Mabel.

"Welcome to our new house guys," said Patrick.

They walk out and Dipper starts getting suspicious.

"Why does this place seem familiar?" Dipper asked.

"Uh Dipper," said Mabel.

"Yeah Mabel," said Dipper.

Mabel towards a sign that says, "Welcome to Gravity Falls."

"Are we dead?" Mabel asked.

"No sweetheart," said Patrick, "We officially moved into Gravity Falls."

Mabel then takes a deep breath.

"WE'RE BACK!!" Mabel yelled.

"And just that my ear is bleeding," said Dipper.

"Your welcome," said Mabel.

A few hours later, everything was put into their new house.

Dipper jumps into his new memory foam mattress in his very own bedroom.

"This is the life," said Dipper.

Just then he hears knocking on his bedroom window. He looks up to see Pacifica, with her hair in a ponytail knocking.

Dipper walks over and opens it.

"Pacifica is that you?" Dipper asked.

"That depends, how many blondes you helped stand up to her evil 'adoptive' parents?" Pacifica asked.

"Adoptive?" Dipper asked.

"I'll explain if you let me in," said Pacifica, "Before Mabel makes another cannonball into your new pool."

"Okay," said Dipper.

Dipper helps Pacifica into his room.

"Figures every guy I know has a hot female celebrity poster in his room," said Pacifica pointing to a nearby Katy Perry poster.

"She's hot okay," said Dipper, "Anyway what due you mean by adoptive."

"Look an the day I was born, Preston stole me from the hospital," said Pacifica, "When they lost all their money, the government found out about me and arrested him, leaving Priscilla with everything, sort of like a divorce. But I was returned to my birth mother."

"Well that clears up what happened in the past year while we were out," said Dipper, "So how is your real mom?"

"Well her name is Martina Roseland, and works at the Elementary School as a 2nd Grade teacher," said Pacifica. (Grade 2 if you live in countries like the UK or Australia)

"What about your dad?" Dipper asked.

"I don't know who he was but he left my mom before I was born," said Pacifica, "So whereever he is, he can go fall in a ditch and die for all I care."

They talked for a little while until Pacifica had to leave.

"By the way how did you find our new address?" Dipper asked.

"Mabel tweeted it," said Pacifica, "Later."

Pacifica walks away.

"I'm telling Mabel to stop telling people where we live on social media," said Dipper.

A/N: First chapter done, what do you guys think? I'll see you next chapter but before I got I'll leave you with this:

A/N: First chapter done, what do you guys think? I'll see you next chapter but before I got I'll leave you with this:

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