Chapter 36: Around the World in 80 (Less/More) bites part 1

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Now for my favorite part of Disney World. Eating in every country at epcot.

After they ride haunted mansion, Dipper and Pacifica took a monorail to Epcot.

"Alright, this is something I do whenever me and Mabel come here," said Dipper.

"Don't you mean Mabel and You," said Pacifica.

"We're on vacation grammer isn't needed whatsoever," said Dipper.

"Point good," said Pacifica.

"Anyway, we would usually try at least one item from every represented country," said Dipper, "But since its us, maybe....."

"Lets do this!" said Pacifica.

Dipper and Pacifica start off in Canada.

"Ah Canada, the home of maple syrup, comedian Martin Short, and the woman that sang the song that played when the titanic sank," said Dipper.

Pacifica glared at him.

"Too soon?"

They find a kiosk selling maple leaf cookies.

"Taste like straight syrup," said Pacifica, "Mixed with cookie butter."

They then make their way to United Kingdom.

"Hey look its doctor who!" said Pacifica.

"Where?" Dipper asked.

"Gotcha!" said Pacifica.

"Oh really then how is Matt Smith here?" Dipper asked.

"Wait for real?" Pacifica asked.

"Gotcha bae," said Dipper.

They then went to get some Fish and Chips.

"Honestly my second favorite thing to come out of the UK," said Pacifica, "Harry Potter is number 1"

After that they made there way to France.

"This is probably the only way we can get to France at this time," said Dipper.

"Actually I've been there already," said Pacifica, "I was a Northwest remember."

"Oh right," said Dipper, "Ah der, i dumby."

"That's offensive to stupid people," said Pacifica, "then again they're too stupid to know."

They then went to try some crème brûlée.

"Tasty," said Dipper, "Nough said."

"Alright next stop Morocco," said Pacifica.

They then order some Baklava.

"Flaky, nutty, a little sweet because of honey drizzle," said Pacifica.

"What are you doing?" Dipper asked.

"My impression of a food critic," said Pacifica, "this is pretty good."

After Morocco they entered Japan.

"Aw yes the home of Sailor Moon," said Pacifica.

"Before we get a bite, can we go into the Mitsukoshi store real quick," said Dipper, "They got stuff from Pokémon and Studio Ghibli stuff in there."

"Okay, OMG IT'S A TOTORO!" said Pacifica.

Pacifica runs into to the store.

"Pfft, nerd!" said Dipper.

Pacifica is seen hugging a plush Totoro.

"Yes I'll buy you that before you ask," said Dipper

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"Yes I'll buy you that before you ask," said Dipper.

"Yay!" said Pacifica.

Dipper paid for the toy, along with some Japanese candy. (My second favorite kind of candy, next to anything with peanut butter in it.)

"Why is Japanese candy so good?" Pacifica asked.

"Because it is?" said Dipper.

"True!" said Pacifica.

They then make it to America.

"Wanna skip this one because we eat American food all the time?" Dipper asked.

"Yeah lets move on," said Pacifica.

To Be Continued.

Sorry but I'm tired and really busy, my grandfather died recently and my family and I have been real's busy, I just found some time in between to do this. We're all doing fine btw. Okay see you guys on Friday because I got nothing that day.

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