Chapter 14: Welcome to Hell, I mean High School

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A/N: Funny title I know, lets get started.

An alarm goes off in Dipper's room.

"Ugh five more weeks mom," said a half asleep Dipper.

Dipper hits the snooze button.


Dipper gets out of bed and walks down the stairs to see his plate at the table, scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese, bacon, biscuits, hash brown patties, and chocolate milk.

"Waddles for the last time you can't eat bacon," said Mabel.

Dipper's eyes grew wide.

"Your pig's a cannibal Mabel," said Dipper, "Also I thought you stopped eating pork products."

"Yeah, well I stopped since Waddles wants to eat his brethren," said Mabel.

Waddles tries to swipe the bacon, but Mabel interjects.

"Nice try sweet swine," said Mabel.

Mabel eats the strip of bacon.

"Oh god that was good," said Mabel.

"Whatever," said Dipper.

Dipper then takes the items on his plate and turns them into two breakfast sandwiches then eat them.

"Finish up your breakfast kids, you're going to be late for the bus," said Rachel.

"Don't worry mom, Pacifica's mom doesn't mind driving us," said Dipper.

"Also the town's only school bus is extremely unsafe," said Mabel.


A extremely bad looking school bus is seen parked, a leaf falls on it causing it to explode.

Now back to our regularly scheduled fanfic:

An hour later the twins, Pacifica, Candy, Grenda, and Xander are in homeroom.

A paper airplane lands on Xander's head.

"Whoever threw that, please stop," said Xander.

After homeroom it was time for science class.

The teacher walks in, and Dipper's eye's widen in surprise.

"Good morning class my name is Mr. Pines but you can call me Ford if you want," said Ford. (Oh snap didn't see that coming huh?)

"Can I call you mustang?" A student asked.

"I'm not a talking car, this isn't a Disney universe," said Ford. (Yes it is Ford, Yes it is!)

Ford started teaching the students about science stuff until the class had ended.

Everyone but Dipper left the class. Dipper then walks up to Ford.

"Hey Great Uncle Ford," said Dipper.

Ford looks up from his book.

"Dipper I didn't see you there," said Ford.

"Why are you here, I thought you and Grunkle Stan were on a boat in the Atlantic ocean," said Dipper.

"We were, then are ship got stolen on the coast of Glass Shard Beach," said Ford, "We were happy to be back in our home town but some idiot stole our boat."

"Where's Stan anyway?" Dipper asked.

"He's at the shack seeing how Soos is running the business," said Ford.

"Well I better get to my next class," said Dipper, "Also quick question, how do you know about the movie Cars?"

"Stan caught me up on everything," said Ford, "Including the Star Wars prequels........ I don't know what Jar-Jar Binks is, all I know is I want him dead."

"Okay," said Dipper, "See you later Great Uncle Ford."

"Bye Dipper," said Ford.

Dipper leaves the room.

"I'm surprised he didn't tell me about his girlfriend," said Ford.

A/N: Sorry if it's short, it's been a weird week for my family. Okay see you guys next time. 

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