Chapter 39: Where's Mabel? (Finale part 1)

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Someone find her!

Dipper and Pacifica just came home at the airport from their vacation in Orlando.

"I wonder how Mabel's vacation went?" Dipper asked.

"Same here," said Pacifica.

They went towards Mabel and Xander's gate holding a small that says, "Welcome Back Female Mystery Twin, and Boyfriend!"

They waited for an hour only to find them not coming off the plane.

"That's odd, why aren't they here yet," said Dipper.

"Maybe Mabel got air sick?" Pacifica asked.

"No, no, I know Mabel," said Dipper, "She always liked planes because it's the closet to her actually flying."

"Then where is she?" Pacifica asked.

They then searched the plane to find them nowhere.


1 month later:

"This is Shandra Jiménez-Determined, the case is still on over missing people, 14 year old Mabel Rachel Pines and 15 year old Alexander Russell Sánchez of Gravity Falls who were both declared missing as neither of them showed up on Flight 618 from Honolulu, Hawaii to Trembley Memorial Airport in town," said Shandra, "we recently had an interview with the victims parents."

"This is heavens punishment for our parenting skills," said Rachel.

"No it's not, remember what the Sánchez's said?" Patrick asked.

"I don't care we let her have coffee at age 3," said Rachel.

"We let our son and his girlfriend go see my brother and his husband in Hawaii," said Mrs. Sánchez, "We weren't expecting them not to come home."

"We recently found the last tweets from the missing people, Mabel Pines' last tweet was, 'Got @xanderdaboss and I kicked off the plane because of my bezazzler #ThanksTSA' and Xander Sánchez's last tweet was 'Never fight with a TSA agent for your girlfriend, #weretakingaboatoutofhonolulu',mpolice from around the world are still investigating," said Shandra, "I'm Shandra Jiménez-Determined, now here's Bodacious T with sports."

"It's called, Fire Jousting!" said Toby Determined.

2 more months later.

Dipper is seen tearing up with Pacifica comforting him.

"At least your sobbing is better than whatever Candy and Grenda are doing," said Pacifica.

Candy and Grenda are seen screaming and shaving the hair off of Barbie dolls.

"FOR MABEL!" said Grenda.

"I really hope that isn't some weird evil ritual to bring a demon worst than Bill to appear," said Ford.

Just then the news came on the TV.

"We just got some breaking news from local police officers," said the news anchor, "Mabel Pines and Xander Sánchez has just been found........"

Just then the TV explodes.

"What the F$%k?" said Stan.

"Really at the worst moment?" Dipper asked.

Just then the door busted open.


Everyone turns to the front door to see Mabel and Xander in tattered clothes. Then they all run up to give them hugs.

"OMG you guys are alive," said Pacifica.

"I'm more surprised than you guys are," said Mabel.

"So tell us what happened," said Dipper.

"It's a long story," said Xander

Dipper then grabs and opens a bag of party sized bag of Doritos then eats a few.

"We got time," said Dipper.

To be continued........

Next chapter will be final chapter. But I'm going to work on a sequel for this, so don't worry see you guys next time.

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