Chapter 31: Grenda's Holiday Dilemma (Holiday chapters 1 of 3)

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Woah this is going to be interesting. Also that song up there is my favorite Christmas song........ wow we're in the dead of September and I'm already talking about Christmas. Lets get started!

It's two days before Christmas in the town of Gravity Falls, and now our gang is at the mystery shack for it's first ever Holliday bonanza, featuring a little bit of every Holiday in the mix.

"You know this is probably the most diverse party I've been too," said Pacifica, "There's Roast Beef for Christmas, Latkes for Hanukah, and Jerk Chicken for Kwanzaa."

"I didn't know Kwanzaa has it's own menu," said Dipper.

"Trust me dude all holidays have different menus," said Xander, "Now if you need me, Mabel and I are going to look for mistletoe."

Xander and Mabel walk away.

Just then Macy comes walking in dressed as an elf.

"Making da toys," said Macy.

"Aww she's adorable," said Pacifica.

"You think that's adorable, wait til you see what Soos and Melody dressed Stanley as," said Dipper.

Just then Soos, dressed like Santa Claus, is seen holding baby Stanley, who is dressed like a reindeer, while humming Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

"Aww, worlds cutest reindeer right here," said Pacifica as she pokes baby Stanley in the belly button. The infant starts laughing.

Meanwhile in another part of the shack, Grenda is on the stairs contemplating something.

"Maybe I.... no," said Grenda, "Or maybe..... nah! Oh how about.......... d'oh, even I know I can't get a giraffe in this weather."

Xander and Mabel walk by. Mabel notices one of her top 3 best friends all confused.

"I'm going to check on Grenda," said Mabel.

"Go ahead, I'm going to steal one of those pumpkin pies with the grey stuff on it," said Xander, "I heard it's delicious, but don't believe me."

"Ask the dishes," said Mabel, "I Know Beauty and the Beast really well."

Xander walks away.

"Grenda what's wrong?" Mabel asked.

"Okay my girlfriend Paula invited me to her family's ski lodge for Xmas break," said Grenda, "But my boyfriend  Bobby invited me to come with him on his cruise at the Bahamas at the same time."

"No offence Grenda, but you got some serious bisexual relationship problems," said Mabel.

"I know, I also find having two relationships hard," said Grenda.

"Then how are you doing that anyway?" Mabel asked.

"Long story," said Grenda, "Anyway I need help, I don't know what to choose."

"Well think about it this way, who ever makes you happier I would choose them, like imaging you have two bowls of ice cream, but each bowl is a different flavor," said Mabel, "Now you have to choose between Honey Vanilla Almond Crunch or Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie Dough with Cookie Butter. One is amazing, but the other is simple but still good. So basically the only option is...."

"I choose Paula mainly because Bobby just broke up with me over a text," said Grenda.

Mabel froze in shock.

"It's always Honey Vanilla Almond Crunch breaking hearts in the most classless way possible," said Mabel.


Macy is waiting in line to see Santa, aka Soos.

Macy then hopes onto Santa's lap.

"What's your name little girl?" Soos asked.

"Macy," said Macy.

"Have you been a good girl Macy?" Soos asked.

"Eh," said Macy.

"Haha, don't worry you're on my good list," said Soos, "What would you like for Christmas little Macy?"

Macy then starts frowning.

"I want my mommy to come home," said Macy.


Lazy ending note. See you next chapter

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