Chapter 25: Delivery for Soos and Melody

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A/N: Time to see what Soos and Melody are having.

It was a boring day working at the mystery shack.

"Dude did you watch last night's episode of Ducktective?" Soos asked.

"Yeah Mabel and I are going to watch the entire season because it's ending in February," sad Dipper, "Because the creator decided two seasons was enough."

"What kind of idiot thinks that's enough for the show's fans?" Mabel asked.

*Awkward Silence is Awkward*

All of a sudden Melody is heard screaming in pain.

Everyone then ran to see what's wrong.

"Mel what's wrong?" Soos asked.

"My water just broke," said Melody.

A few hours later they are in the hospital with Melody screaming and Soos holding her hand.

"Come on Melody," said Soos, "This is our moment to become a family."

Melody is still screaming.

"Yeah even I got admit that was a bad pep talk," said Soos.

Meanwhile outside Dipper was texting Pacifica about hat's going on while Mabel played best fiends on her phone.

"Stupid Slug," said Mabel, "I'm getting a iced tea from the vending machine."

Mabel gets up from her seat and walks away.

"Can you bring me back a water bottle?" Dipper asked.

"NO!" Mabel yelled.

Mabel then bumps into someone.

"Ow sorry I didn't know...... wait Xander?" Mabel asked.

Xander then stands up.

"Hey, it's been a while since we talked," said Xander.

"1) I'm still mad at you and 2) I have a boy friend," said Mabel.

Mabel walks away.

"My bro-ster Aaron couldn't breathe because of Markiplier just to let you know," said Xander, "That's why I'm here."

"Bro-ster?" Mabel asked.

"He's a transgender male," said Xander.

One hour later, Dipper is still texting and Mabel is watching some Smosh on her phone as Soos came out of the room.

"It's a boy," said Soos.

Dipper and Mabel all in to see Melody holding a sleeping baby boy in her arms.

"Aw he's so cute, looks like a mini Soos," said Mabel.

"He does," said Dipper.

Just then Stan comes walking in holding a teddy bear.

"Before you say anything, no I didn't steal this," said Stan.

"Just in time Mr. Pines, cause I got the perfect name for him," said Soos.

"What is it?" Mabel asked.

"Stanley," said Soos.

Stan drops the teddy bear in surprise.

"wanna hold Stanley Mr. Pines, or should I say grandfather," said Soos.

"Grandfather?" Stan asked.

"You were more of a father than my real dad," said Soos.

"Eh, even I got to admit that's true," said Stan.

Stan holds the baby in his arm, while looking at the tiny infant he strata tearing up.

"Grunkle Stan are you crying?" Dipper asked.

"I'm allergic to cuteness okay," said Stan.

A/N: Emotional chapter I know, see you next time guys. ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌

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